Chapter 6: Olivia

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I blow off the smoke pouring out of the barrel of my gun and slide it into my hoster. I look across at the ground by my feet, which is now covered in kree wariors i have just killed. I smirk a little as i look up at the tall dark tower in front of me.

I make my way up to the entrance. I grab my hammer and blast the doors open with a shot of lightning. I march through the doors and straight towards the elders room.

I flick my wrist and send any guards who try to attack me, flying across the room and into the hard marble walls.

I arrive at the room finally and see the kree elder sitting at his table. I drop my hammer and pull my dagger out of its band on my upper arm.

I hold it tight in my hand, ready to kill the old kree.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" The elder asks me, calmly turning around in his chair.

"It is my father Thanos' will, and i shall thereby do as he wants of me." I say firmly.

"Then go ahead. But heed my warning," he says "Thanos cannot be trusted. You were a symbol of peace in the universe and now you are brining chaos wherever you go. Is this really the path y-" he is cut off as i slit his throat in one swift motion.

I quickly grab the vial off my belt. I hold it up to the gash in his throat. I watch as his blood slowly fills the vial. Once it is full, i put the top on the vial and reattatch it to my belt.

I run out of the tower and back to the place where i first arrived. I tap the comunicator in my ear and speak.

"Father. I am at the edge of the beta sector. Can you reopen the portal back home?" I ask.

"Do you have the blood from the kree elder?" I hear his voice boom in my ear.

"Yes." I reply. A deep blue portal opens up infront of me. I take one quick look back at the tower and jump through the portal.

In a matter of seconds i appear back at the palace. I am standing in the great hall. I look across the room and see Thanos and Nebula standing and waiting for me, talking in hushed tones.

"Hello father." I say.

"Welcome back child. Do you have the blood?" Thanos asks. I untie the vial from my belt and pass it to him. "Good. Good." He lisps the vial into a gold box and places it on a nearby table.

"May i ask what you will be using it for?" I say.

"Yes, i had intended to use it for your sister nebula, but she does not have enough biological compontents for the blood to take full effect. So i will use it on you." He explains.

"Thanks you!" I say in shock. "I will not dissapoint you father."

"Im sure you will not." He replies. " now go have your daily session and then go and train. I will call you when i am ready to begin the kree blood infusion."

"Yes father." I walk away to my room. Once i arrive i enter and change out of my blood soaked clothing and into a white tank top and a pair of black leggings.

I then lie on my bed and press the blue button beside my bed. A screen pops up along with a pill and a needle. The screen begins to play random images of lines in random orders, as it does everyday. I pop the pill in my mouth and swallow it.

I then grab the needle and jab it into my neck. I press down on the plunger slowly and release the yellow, shimmering liquid into my body.

I sit on my bed watching the images flick past. Once they are over, i get up and head over to the training area.

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