Chapter 15: Patrick

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I look down at the ground where the others are lying. They arent moving. I check for breathing. Faint. But still there. I check pulses. Racing. This can't be good. What did I do? What did I do? Ugh!

Suddenly a bright light appears in front of me. I shield my eyes from ut  when I look back I see him. The one who ruined my life. Thanos.

"What are you doing here? What have you done with Olivia?" I shout.

"Why thats no way to speak to your ruler." He smiles.

"You arent my ruler. You are just an evil creature who needs to be put down." I scream.

Thanos chuckles. "Puny god. You are no match for me, a titan."

"I could beat you in my sleep. So long as you tell me where Olivia is before i kill you." I shout.

"Are you sure you really want to know?" Thanos asks.

"Tell me you old fool!" I shout.

"Fine." He smirks. "I have placed her i  the negative zone for killing one of my pawns. She shall suffer in solitude for three days before i will fetch her. It has already been two and sbe is almost now finished her thrid day. She should be sufficiently insane by now. This will be fun, retreiving her. Watching her suffer. Watching her go mad while under my control. While you cant do anything to help her." He laughs.


Thanos just looks at me. His eyes piercing into my soul. "No."

I scream and signal my armour and sceptre to me. I shoot out clountless pulses of energy as fast as i can. "No! No! No!" I shout.

"No?" Thanos asks.

"NO!" I scream.

"No." Thanos smiles. He raises his hand that has the gauntlet on it. He begins to turn it. I can feel the grip of the mysterious nothingness tightening around my neck. I choke out one last word.

"No..." I squeeze out, breathing my last breath.

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