Chapter 16: Olivia

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I sit in the large metal box that will be used as my cell for the next three days here in the negative zone. Father just sent me through the portal. I am now waiting to see if the negative zone affects me how it does to some. For some it drives them completely insane within minutes of having been sent here. For others, it doesnt affect them at all.

I sit. Waiting for the effects to sink in. I dont feel any different, but I cant be sure. I could be completely phsycho right now and just think its normal. I have no one else here to judge myself off of. Ill just have to settle with assuming that I am fine. Im not crying in a ball on the floor or pounding on the walls of the box. I am just sitting in the centre of the floor crosslegged, thinking about... well... this?

I laugh a little to myelf. But I quickly stop. Realizing that I probably look pretty strange sitting crosslegged on the floor laughing to myself. But then I remember that im the only one here. I can do whatever I want. Yes!

I give a little fist pump into the air. "Alone at last!" I shout. "All by myself!" I get up off of the cold hard floor and analyse the room that will be my home for the next three days.

"This entire box is made of a rare metal called vibranium. Its the same kind of metal that Tye's shield was made of. It is the strongest metal that can be found on earth. It is mainly found in a small african country called Wakanda. The country used to be run by Black Panther, before he (like almost all superhumans) was killed in the final battle of the civil war." I say.

"Most of the cells here in the negative zone are made of vibranium. It is near impossible to break, so it is good for keeping superhumans locked inside. It is almost completely impossible to escape the negative zone. You would need to be able to make it out of your cell, first all. And then, as if that wasnt hard enough already, you would have to get youself down from your cell, which might I add, is floating hundereds of feet above NOTHINGNESS!" i shout.

"Then, lets just pretend that you can actually get out of the cell and down from it safely. Now ou have to break into yhe top secret, high security control building. You have to go through 250 levels of rigorous tests to try and make it to the top level." I laugh.

"If by some miracle you are still alive, you would need four different rooms. You would need to go through tests including clearance cards, finger print scans, eye scans, voice recognition tests, and full body movement scans. After you make it through this. You can now enter the control room." I say

"Oh!" I laugh. "And did i mention that once youre in the room you have to get turm key that opens the portal. And you wouldnt even be able to get out without someone else holding he key in place for you the whole time. And you cant use nonliving things to hold it, like a rope or duck tape or anything like that. It has to be an organic living life form holding it in place. The second that one of these expectations is not met, the gate closes and cannot be reopened for two full days, as a saftey precaution against possible escapees." I sit for a moment, staring at the plain metal wall in front kf me. I start to giggle. Sloely the giggle grows louder and fuller until i am belly laughing in the middle of a giant box, PROBABLY LOOKING LIKE A PSYCHOPATH! But I dont care! Laugh harder to myself. "This place actually is having an effect on me! Im going insane and talking to myself... well... at least im not lying on the floor in a ball crying for help. I do have to admit though... I am pretty damn close.



I dont quite remember when or how I fell asleep last night. I sort of just drifted off. I do, however, remember having a dream last night... it wasnt like any dream I had ever had before. It seemed more real. More dangerous. More... familiar.

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