Chapter 27: Seraphie

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"So whats your take on lucas and olivia?" I laugh. "Think it'll actually happen?"

Tye doesnt answer. He just stares blankly at the pop tart in his hands.

"You know you cant eat a pop tart with your eyes... right?" I say. "You have to use your mouth."

"What?" Tye asks confusedly.

"Nevermind. Whats on your mind?" I ask.

"Thanos." He says bluntly.

"Yeah. Hes dead." I say.

"Im not so sure about that." Tye replies.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I had this dream." Tye says. "I heard thanos callibg out to someone named death. He said 'Death? Death? Is that you my love?'. I have no idea who death is. So that means that if its a real person... (or thing... i guess?) Then that means that thanos is probably alive and i just saw him in my dream... in a vision of sorts."

"Wow... um... who would know about someone spacey...?" I ask jokingly. "How about the space people in the other room! Yeah! Lets go!"

"Whatever. Lets go." Tye says pulling himself up off the ground. We walk towards the kitchen. As we get closer i can hear footsteps coming down the hall towards us. Its jeffery.

"Hey. Jeffery. Whats up?" I ask.

"Olivia and lucas... in the kitchen... fish faces." Jeffery pants, he is out of breath. He must have run all of the way from the kitchen to here the long way.

"Fish faces?" I ask.

"You know... kissing!" Jeffery laughs.

"Oh! That makes sense." Tye says. "Yeah that tota-- KISSING? What the hell?" We both go sprinting back down the hall the short way, jeffery hot on our heels. We arrive at the door to the kitchen and are about to go in when an arm stops us.

"Wait." Sammi says, blocking our entrance. "Listen." She whispers.

We all stand out of view next to the door into the kitchen. We listen carefully, trying to see if we can hear the conversation at all.

I can only make out small fragments:

"I dont know what thi--" says olivia.

"--eans that we are both willing to kis--" lucas says.

"--hat really matter? Does it really? I dont know? Im just confu--" olivia says.

"--et me help you understand then." Lucas says. The room goes silent now. No one says anything else. Olivia and lucas are no longer speaking. We can only assume what they are doing in there right now.

But we dont have to assume for long, sammi leans in too close and falls onto the door. It opens and we all fall onto the floor in a massive heap. All except for jeffery, who is standing behind us.

"I tried to warn them." He says.

"Hi...?" I say cautiously.

"Hi." Olivia says, she is in lucas' arms with her hands hanging my her sides. He has his hands on her waist.

"Seaiously guys?" Lucas asks. "Twice in a few minutes? Cant you give a guy a chance?"

"Sorry man. Were just really protective over our little livi." Tye says.

"Yeah. And if you want to be with her, youre going to have to deal with our constant interventions... sorry. But thats the condition. You say no to it, and things wont happen. You want liv? Package deal. Were the bodyguards. Mandatory." I say.

"Alright" lucas says.

"What? That easy?" I ask.

"Yep. That sounded fair, i took it." He says.

"So we're clear.' I say. "This means us monitoring your relations ship. Okay?"

"Okay" lucas says.

"So weve got a deal?" I ask. Before passing my hand i say "Also, just a fine note. This doesnt mean that you automatically get liv. You have to earn her. Were just warning you. If you want ti date her. Watch your steps... i know we will be. Deal?" I hold out my hand.

Lucas takes my hand and shakes it firmly. "Deal."

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