Chapter 7: Patrick

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"Alright guys. This is it. Shes... at Stark tower?" I say. "Okay. Whatever. We know where she is, now lets go get her."

The others nod. We all run over to the training room and grab our weapons and armour. I summon my sceptre and my armour appears around me.

I look to the others and they are ready too. "Alright. Everyone huddle in." I say. I crack a transport seed and we are all taken to stark tower.

"Whoah. That was cool!" Christena laughs.

"Yeah!" Josée agrees.

"Where is she..." I mutter. Then i see her. She is standing on the edge of the landing platform, staring out at New York.

"Liv! Liv!" I shout. I drop my weapons and start running towards her. I am almost to her, when i am hit by a sudden force. It throws me back towards the others.

I pull myself up and wipe a thin line of blood off of my forhead.  "Liv? What the hell was that?" I shout, pulling myself up.

I watch as she turns around slowly. She begins to hover and she flys towards us. Her brown locks of hair float as if they are wieghtless.

My gaze floats across to her eyes. Instead of them being their usual electric blue, they are a dark purple shade. They have small flecks of silver in them, popping up like sparks in her iris'.

"What did he do to you?" I ask firmly.

"Who? Thanos? No. My father did nothing wrong to me. He mearly helped me to realize my full potential." Liv says.

"And how might he have done that?" I ask.

"By giving me injections of the blood of a kree elder." She says calmly. "Now I have the ability to control dark energy-matter."

"Thats not what I had meant." I mutter.

"And what had you meant?" She asks.

"I meant what did he do to you? Why are you suddenly against us? Why are you calling Thanos your father? Why are you working with him? WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!?" I shout.

"You shall find out all in good time. But for now i have a message from my father." She says.

"What is it?" Seraphie asks.

"I do not know." Olivia replies.

"How the fuck dont you know what the damn message is?" Kaden shouts.

"Becase it is in this letter. For your eyes only." Olivia says, tossing the letter infront of us. "Now i must leave. Father is waiting for me."

"No. Im not losing you again." I shout.

"Havent you realized it yet? You already have." Liv says. She turns and starts to walk away. A portal opens in front of her and just as she is about to walk through, Tye lunges at her.

"Oh hell no. We spent four months looking for your sorry ass. We arent losing it again." He says, grabbing her arm.

"I will give you one chance to let go of my arm, before i will have to kill you. And father doesnt want that to have to happen yet." Liv says.

"Bite me." Tye says firmly. I scramble to try and grab my sceptre from off the ground in front of me. But my hands keep fumbling.

I finally get a firm hold on my sceptre and stand up.

It is as if everything is moving in slow motion. I can see sammis suit flying towards her and assembling around her body.

Seraphie is pulling her gun out of its holster. Christena is preparing to cast a spell and josée has a large ball of flame in her hand, ready to fire if needed.

I look over to liv and tye. Time still feels like it is moving through molasas. I see a dark barrier of energy form around liv. It quickly spreads over Tye as well.

By the time i realize what is happening, it is too late. The energy field around Tye collapses.

Time moves normaly once again. Olivia runs through the portal and closes it before anyone can stop her.

We all run over to where they were standing. Tye is lying on the ground. His skin is burnt to a crisp and he is virtually unrecognizable.

"Is he still-" Seraphie cries " he alive?"

"My readings from the suit say he is barely hanging on." Kaden says softly. "We have to get him back to the base NOW if we want even te slightest chance to save him"

"K-Kaden..." Tyes voice croaks quietly.

"Yes?" Kaden asks,  a tear running down her face.

"Im sorry..." he says as he breathes his last breath. And just like that. Another Avenger is gone... and this time, they were killed by one of their own.

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