Chapter 13: Josée

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I sit on top of the New York flat where i was told to be. When i got back to my room last night, I found a note sitting on my end table. It said that I was supposed to be on this building by 1:00. I am here now and it is 12:58.

The note said that then and there i would find my target. The note fished by saying that if i could capture this man and leave him in a designated nearby building, then they would give me information about where Olivia is being held. They said that they would leave the info in a box for me to collect once i had the target brought there. The box would open when i touch his hand to it.

The man is in a grey fur coat and has silvery hair. He should be coming by the alley that I am above any minute now.

I see him. I position my sniper, loaded with a tranq bullet. I am better with jobs where i actually take someone out. But they want him alive, so I'll have to make do.

I aim the gun at the back of the man's neckand pull the trigger. He drops to the ground. I hop off the building and send some wind under me to slow my decent.

I land right next to the man. I check for a pulse. I find it. Hes alive. I let out a small sigh of relief. I flip the man iver to see his face.

He has large silvery eybrows that match his hair. His eyes have heavy black eye makeup around them. He looks like he belongs in The Hunger Games series.

I decide that i have taken long enough. I push a gust of air under him and use it to carry him beside me. We enter the building that i was told to go to. I walk through the dimly lit room that is the abandoned warehouse.

I see a small box on the ground. It is glowing slightly. This must be it, the box with the info. I reach out and touch the mans hand to the top of the box.

At first nothing happens. Then suddenly the box opens. The glowing blue light coming from the inside intensifies. I lean over the tiny box to see what is inside.

I am hit with something. A sudden force, coming from the box. I feel myself being pulled in. I try to escape but there is no possible ways to. I grab onto the mans hand, trying to use him as an anchor for me, but instead it just pulls him in too. Then, everything goes black.

Destroying the Avengers [Book 3]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant