Chapter Twenty Five

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In a relationship you have to accept the person for everything, not just the easy things

Chapter Twenty Five

"You look gorgeous, sweetheart"
My stylist complimented as she watched me reluctantly analyse myself in the full body mirror.
My white long skirt hugged my body and rained down my thighs. The black material that covered my upper body flared around my waist and was framed by the thick gold plate. My hijab thrown around in a Turkish style not taking away the attention of the outfit.
My nerves were in a bunch as I thought of this evening. Dad and Mark were so excited (probably more excited with the prospect of me finally getting over Damion) but nonetheless excited.
I looked at the diamond ring that glittered on my finger and smiled. Mom was always here with me.


"It's so nice to finally meet you. My son just wouldn't stop fidgeting and ordering everyone around the whole day! I understand now why."

Her whole hearted laugh was so genuine it racked through my very core and I thought of how lovely it would be to have her as a mother in law.
I smiled shyly as Ameer groaned and covered his face as everyone else laughed. He was dressed in a black suit that relentlessly complimented his sun kissed skin and dark hair. His light eyes danced with adoration for his mom even through the mock glare he gave her.
A tug of jealousy rang through me at his mothers presence. I missed my mother with all my being at that very moment.
"Well dear, come on in, dinner is all set"
We walked through the very beautiful and elegant household on our route to the dining hall. The table was set out with the most mouthwatering Arab dishes. My stomach grumbles inelegantly as it familiarized itself with the mountains of food. Everyone sat in their designated seats leaving Mark Dad and I no choice but to sit on the remaining seats.
"So Alanna dear, tell me how you became interested in Islam"
Ameer's father asked resulting in an endless stream of questions during the telling of my conversion story.
When dinner was over, Ameer and I were thrown into a room together with Mark tailing behind.
"I don't understand why I have to be in here with you but ok"
Mark laughed as he sat beside Ameer who was opposite me on the couch.
"It's tradition for the soon to be couple to sit with a third person in a room and speak to each other. It's a well known fact in the Arab world that a persons personality can be figured out on a matter of the first ten minutes of a conversation"
We nodded thoughtfully at this. It's always lovely to learn about the beautiful Arab culture.
"So you're saying that, it's believed that I will know if you're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with in a matter of ten minutes from meeting you?"
I questioned. He nodded and that smiled in that way that never fails to take my breath away.
I looked down at my nails suddenly feeling shy. I looked up at Mark who had his eyes crossed and double chin on show looking constipated. I burst out laughing and Ameer looked at Mark who looked at him innocently. Ameers eyes glimmered as he watched me try to hold in my laughs with my hand.
"If I am lucky enough to hear that laugh for the rest of my life, I will die a happy man"
Ameer whispered not intending for me to hear which I did, instantly blushing. Mark smiled then when I caught him, stuck a finger down his throat pretending to vomit.
This was so not going to work with Mark in the room.
We somehow ended up having a pretty mediocre conversation before smiling at each other knowingly.

Mark shouted at me even though I was standing right in front of him. My eyebrows were raised at his stupidity.
"Don't worry Mark you're just leaving for 3 months of summer and you'll be back. I'll try not to miss you."
I emphasized on try and dramatically put my hand on my heart.
He laughed obnoxiously as dads footsteps were heard behind us. My phone rang and I rummaged through my bag to find it. Ameer.
I answered shyly. I'm still not used to this
"Salam hayati(my life). I just want to say that I miss you"
I could feel my face warming up as I looked at my brother and father who was now in front of me. My dad had an evident smirk on his face while Marks eyebrows were wiggling up and down suggestively. I was too embarrassed so I walked away from them.
Mark screamed out making sure that Ameer heard.
"I'm sorry about that"
I apologized hearing Ameers angelic laugh ring through the phone accelerating my heart rate.
"I love your brother man. Don't worry about it. In fact I love him nearly as much as I love you"
I burst out laughing trying to calm down my beating heart at his confession.
"Here, Ameer, I'm about to go drop my doofus of a brother to the airport so I'll ring you later ok?"
He groaned.
"Never mind I don't like your brother anymore since he's taking you away from me"
I laughed loudly hearing the smile on his words.
"I love your laugh"
My stomach felt like I wanted to throw up. He was too damn sweet.
"I love your face"
I blurted out. I was always so confident when it came to guys, but since I converted, I have no idea where that confidence went.
"Well I love your face too. And your voice and your smile and your eyes and your everything."
My smile was too big and I was shyly covering it with my hands as I bit my lips.
Mark screamed yet again. That dipshit.
"I have to go."
I signed deeply.
"No. Don't Leave me."
He fake cried. I laughed loudly.
"The sooner I leave, the sooner I'll be able to talk to you."
I said in a suggestive tone.
"Ok fine yeah go stay safe. Fi aman Allah (in Allah protection)"
"Salam babe"
He repeated Salam and hung up.
I walked back to dad and Mark as they were finished putting the suitcases in the boot of the car.
Dad was leaving as well as Mark and I was so upset. I'm glad that I have Ameer to keep me happy.
That was the only thing I looked forward to about coming home from the airport. I never had trouble living alone, but when you're given a slice of family again, it's hard not to want it.

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