Chapter Eight

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Life's but a walking shadow,a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of  sound and fury signifying nothing.

Chapter Eight


Damion's POV;

"Ok dude, relax. I haven't done anything to hurt her. For gods sake, I don't even know her"
I sighed frustrated as I ran my hands through my hair. I have been in the same situation for the past hour trying to prove to these idiots that I haven't hurt their precious little friend. Who is she anyway? She was certainly beautiful alright.

As I heard the boys discussing something, I dazed off to the last, a time that no matter where I was or what I was doing would that interrupt everything.

The funny thing about that time is that I didn't even want to go to that party but everyone was going to be there so I had to be there too. I was bored since I slept with most of the girls in that party anyways and I had nothing to do but drink. But then she came and oh god the way she moved on the make shift dance floor was mind blowing. She was new to town and my next challenge.
That's what I told myself anyway until I actually got close to her and she was so different I was too enticed to even play my game anymore. I was playing hers instead.
It got to a stage where I felt like I had to do the best I could to get her and I didn't care if she slept with me or not as long as I got to be with her. That was when I knew I was screwed. I didnt know what this girl was doing to me and it was terrifying.

When I first seen her my mind went from thinking I had logic to "asdkhdjfhfynsf". It kind of sneaked up on me. I got to see her, and all of a sudden I found myself wanting to see her more, and I wasn't entirely too sure why. She was wearing this gorgeous diamond, studded, halter white dress that swept around her knees whenever she walked. Her chestnut brown hair in perfect round locks raining down her back. She looked like an angel that first night I seen her. Just something about her made me smile. We danced the whole night and when we stopped and she went to sit with her friends I went up to her and talked to her as much as I could. Or I at least tried to anyways. She was the most interesting girl I have ever talked to. She was sweet and I was hung up on every word that came out of her mouth. Her friends giggled and batted their eyes at me while she stared more interested at the dancers drinking her drink with her leg folded over each other. She was elegant and sophisticated and I enjoyed listening to her talk. She was the the type of girl that would talk for hours once she felt comfortable around you. That took a while but once I reached that point, she opened up. I smiled as she animatedly told me a story, her hand gestures adding effect to her exaggerated words. I tried to concentrate on what she was saying but I found myself at a loss for words because she was gorgeous; I literally lose every thought in my mind. The only words I  think of are "wow...this girl..." and I WANTED to tell her. But I knew it wasn't the right time. I didn't want to scare her off just yet. Those times when she laughed hysterically I just smiled up at her and drunk it all in.

As I talked to her more and more and time passed by. Days. Weeks. Months. However long it took, I found those days strange if I didn't talk to her. She was on my mind all the time. Everything from "man I wish she was here..." to "I can't get over how beautiful her eyes are" then next thing I knew I was actually with her, and I didn't want her to see my hand trembling, but I went off and decided to test the waters a little. And then I looked into her eyes just to see if she's just as nervous as I am. And at the moment, when I caught myself worried that I wasn't ever going to be enough for her. I knew I had fallen for this beautiful brunette who loves Sylvia Plath and caramelized hazelnut chocolate. Who adores puppies and cries every time she watches A Walk To Remember, even though she already knows what's going to happen. The girl who bites her lips when shes nervous and always has a ton of hair elastics on her wrist. She is the girl I would have done anything and everything for. But she was also the girl that left. Just like that after going out for two years I wake up a random morning smiling about the fact that I am the luckiest guy in the world for having the most beautiful girl in the world, not knowing that that was the day she packed up and left. She didn't call me to tell me, she didn't say goodbye, she didn't even text me to break up with me. She just left and since then I haven't spoken to her or seen her. I couldn't even contact her because she moved away to England. That was the day my heart got ripped up and mercilicly torn apart. There was nothing that could have got me ready for the void of emotions I felt that day. I swore never to fall in love again and as cliche as that sounds it was true, I went back to my playboy ways.

All because of her.

If only I could see her one more time. One glance at her beautiful face, as much as I hate to admit it I would be the happiest guy alive. I would cup her face in my hands and look her in the eyes and ask why she left me. Then I would yell at her and give out to her and then I would kiss her.

But she's gone and because of her, I will never give another girl the chance to burn me like that.

But I couldn't help but feel something when I seen this new girl. And as I thought about it, she looked awfully familiar. This new girl was very good looking and had such a unique between attribute in comparison to everyone here.  And this scares me so much because I had not felt this way about anyone in a long time. This girl is different. I will find out why she freaked out the way she did. And I will try play around with this feeling that I have about her. I pushed off one her friends arms off me and mock saluted and walked away from these idiots. Wait till they see what I have in stock for their precious friend.

Game on Damion, the game is freaking on.


Authors note;

Salam guys :D

So it's not a super long chapter but I was lying in bed at 12:40am and just wanted to write so this was written in one hour for sorry it took a while its just that I have my exams and I really need to study.I hope everyone passes and does amazing for there exams inshallah.I hope you like Damion's POV and tell me if you want anyone else's.

Also I hate asking but please do the usual, comment ,vote, and fan if you want.

If you like to make pictures and stuff then please do that for me as we'll :D

Salam guys

Stay Beautiful,Stay Strong


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