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~Elise's POV~

I burst into the kitchens, yelling, "KAYLA!" and startling the maid there, making her frost Kayla's favorite black sweater. Kayla looked horrified, but cooled down really fast as the maid apologized quickly while offering Kayla a black and red dress.

I waited for Kayla to change, and the maid smiled at me but didn't say anything. In minute Kayla walked out, looking very pretty with her hair down and the lacy red dress. "Yes, idiot?" Kayla flicked me.

"I think Blood is stalking me." I said, my voice shaky with fear. Kayla made a face.

"Stalking you? Eh???"


"Oh. Okay."

"HE'S SCARY!!!" I started to cry. Kayla sort of patted me on the head. I cried weakly into Kayla's arm, which was now getting wet. "REALLY SCARY! LIKE SCARY SCARY SCARY SCARY!"

"Well, at least he's only a mafia boss." I only cried harder at Kayla's attempt to reassure me. "Oh- don't cry!"

The maid stared at us while Kayla slowly made her way out of the kitchen with me clinging to her arm. I sniffed and dried my eyes with my hand, letting go of Kayla. Unfortunately, as soon as we exited the kitchen, Blood was waiting for me. He gave me a look so sleazy that Kayla murmured "man-slut..." under her breath in a voice of poison. He offered me a peppermint hard candy. I took it grudgingly and he smirked as I put it in my mouth.

"Whatever. Why're you making that face, Kay?" I asked.

Kayla looked alarmed, as if she half-expected it to be poison, but seemed to calm down a little bit after I started to suck on it. I gave Blood a cold look. "Young Miss," Blood said suddenly, an edge to his voice. "Why do you have to be so cold?"

The sudden demanding question made me gasp. That lead to me accidentally swallowing my mint, making me start to hack. Kayla looked on, eyes wide, as I started to choke. I couldn't breathe, really!

"...are you choking?!" Kayla yelled in panic. I nodded as best as I could.

Blood quickly found my pulse at my neck and backed me into the wall right behind me. I had no time to question his actions as he roughly gripped my chin and kissed me.(Kayla's jaw dropped in the background). He breathed deeply, his hot mouth against mine.


My mind seemed to go white against my will, making it impossible to think. Finally, after a minute, I could breathe again... But he didn't let me go. He kept kissing me until I was completely out of breath. "H-Hey!" I said weakly. Kayla's jaw still hadn't returned to it's normal position.

I was mad beyond words. Suddenly, Zora walked around the comer and automatically guessed the situation as she saw me pressed up against a wall, Kayla stock-still, and Blood effectively trapping me by putting both hands on either side of me.

Zora looked enraged. She marched up to Blood, who looked at her calmly. Zora held up a giant butcher's knife(where did that come from...?) to his neck. "You wanna die, Dickhead?" She snarled.

I closed my eyes. Why did he do that? I'd hardly been here a day. What the hell did he want from me? Zora took care of me, and so did Kayla. We weren't supposed to be here. I wanted to go home, to wake up in my bed finding that everything was a dream. I couldn't believe he had stolen my first kiss... Over something so stupid as me choking.

Zora seemed to realize the fact that I was hurt by what Blood had done to me as she grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head back, knife still on his neck. Kayla walked over to comfort me. "It's okay, Elise... You're okay, right?" At least Kayla didn't underestimate the mafia boss.

I nodded and rubbed my puffy eyes, tears starting to leak out of them once again. As you might have realized by now, I'm a bit of a crybaby when it comes to stuff in scared of. Wait, scratch that, terrified of.

Suddenly Elliot turned the corner, freezing when he saw the whole scene and drawing his gun in slow motion as we all stared.

Oh, God. Please help me...

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