Chapter 16

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Bahja's POV

Lately August has been really distant towards me. He is always hiding his phone when he gets a text. When he gets a call he has to walk out the room. I don't want to believe it but I think August is cheating on me.... Or am I just paranoid.

We are in the limo and I am sitting in August's lap. He gets a text message and he leans back and smiles. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone out my purse. I check my social media sites and I get up and tell Zonnique to come to the other side of the limo and we take pictures and post them on twitter and instagram and snapchat. I go back and sit back on August's lap and he is still all in his phone. "Babe who you texting?" "......" "Aug!" "....." "August!" "....." "August Anthony Alsina Jr!!" "Oh.. Yes babe?" "Nothing never mind!" I said rolling my eyes and getting up and sitting beside him. "Nooo!! You know I hate when you do that. Talk to me!" "I said Nothing I'm fine!" "Are you sure baby?" "Yes... I am sure.. As a matter of fact I'm not feeling too good. Can he take me back home please?" "Are you sure Bee?" "Yes!! I dont feel good so please just tell him to take me home?" "Ok IG!" "Im going to come with you." "No I should be fine you dont have to stay with me?" "Are you sure." "Yes Im sure!" "O....Kay... aye driver can you turn the car back around and head back." The driver Nodded. "Hey why we headed back to the house." Niq asked. "BC Bee doesn't want to go anymore bc she is not feeling to well so me and her headed back to the house and y'all can go to the on the date." "Oh ok well Bee I will text you later girl!" "Alright!" I said still looking out the window. The car pulled back up at my house. Me and August stepped out the limo and I go up to the front door and unlock it and walks in slamming the door in his face.

He opened the door and called my name. "Get the fuck out of my house August." "What's wrong babe?" "Nothing!" I said with tears streaming down my face. "Why are you lying to me?" "You lie to me so whats the fucking difference?" "What?...What are you talking about?" "Nothing! Can you just please leave?" "Baby can you plea.." I cut him off. "August can you please just leave out of my house. I dont want to talk about it anymore?" "No I am NOT leaving until you tell me whats wrong." "Well I will be heading upstairs bc it looks like you will be sleeping on the couch bc I am DONE with the conversation. Now GOOD NIGHT!" I said walking up the stairs and in my room slamming the door behind me.

I slid down on the door. and brought my knees to my face and just cried. I dont know what to do. I grab my beat pill off the dresser and pulled out my phone and went to my sad love songs and played the playlist. I took off my clothes and got my night clothes out of my drawer. I put my robe on and went to the bathroom and washed my face. I got in the shower and washed up and got right out. I put my night clothes and my knee high socks. I went downstairs to see August laying down. He looks like he has been crying. I went in the kitchen and got me my some diced strawberries and lemons I had in a bowl I grabbed the beer salt off the counter and sprinkled some on the fruit.

I was headed back upstairs when August grabbed my arm and pulled me back down and sat me on the couch. "Can I please talk to you?" I looked down and nodded my head. "Okay first I want you to know that I am not and will not EVER cheat on you. I love you WAY too much to do that to you. Especially after what your exes did to you." I just kept looking down at the ground. "Baby look at me." I looked up at him. "I am NOT going to hurt you. Okay?" "How do I know that?" "Because I give you my word. I will never hurt you like the other niggas did?" "August... I really want to believe you but I have been down this road too many times. When niggas say they love you, they are going to do right by you and everything but its just so they can hurt me again. I cant keep going down this road anymore. I love you August and this is why am doing what I am about to do. I think we need some space from each other. Its all going too fast. I want to make sure I am doing whats right for us." "So whats right for us is breaking up without even giving it a try really Bahja?" "Aug.." He cuts me off. "No Bahja you said it so now what the HELL am I supposed to do?" "August its not that easy fo.." "He cuts me off again. "Its not easy for you? How about its not easy for the nigga that just got dumped by a woman he REALLY cares about. How about its not easy for me to sit here and argue with the girl I really and truly LOVE!" "Aug.." "Nawl man fuck that" His NOLA accent came out real thick when he was angry or upset. He got up and walked toward the door. I ran up behind him. "August please dont le.." "What dont leave but weren't you just the one who was talking about we should take some time away from each other?" "This is not easy for me bc I am ALWAYS used to guys not caring about me." "So EVERY SINGLE guy you come in contact with you are just going to shut them out?" "I don't know what you want me to do this is hard for me enough as it is. And you want to holler and scream at me?" I said crying. "Poor Bahja you think EVERY nigga you date is going to hurt you. I am NOT going to hurt you Bahja why cant you see that. I love you with EVERY THING in me I will NEVER hurt you baby. But I guess you cant see that. I wasn't even cheating on you. I was talking to Miyan. I was getting her to surprise you at the EP release party. she said she was going to come and apologize for how she acted towards you. But you EVERY GUY is a cheater." He said walking out with tears rolling down his cheeks. I tried to call out to him but nothing came out.

Did I just lose him forever?

I went up to my room and put Dilemma x Nelly x Kelly Rowland on repeat and cried myself to sleep. i gotta find a way to apologize to him.

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Alexxis_Lynn (Victoria)

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