Chapter 23

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Lourdes's POV

I cant believe my niece is here. I am so proud of Bahja for telling August because he deserved to know. I hated having to keep that secret away from him. Me and Aug have become close over the past weeks. I even consider him as a big brother. He and Chad gets along really well. That I am thankful for because it would be messy if they didn't. Right now me and Bahja are talking in my room with Chad while August and Jae are bonding. He is taking her shopping. I think that is so cute that he just took her in with no questions asked. Jae absolutely adores Aug. I love that. And I know my sister does too. He wants to spend time with her and get to know her more and that's amazing.
"I love how August just took Jae in with no questions asked. I love that. He will be a great stepdad I think. He is so amazing with her. And she absolutely loves and adores him." I said "yes and I took his son in with no questions asked to because I know that I didn't want him to question me about it. So I ju........." "Wait August has a son ??!!" Me and Chad said at the same time. she laughed "Yes he does and he is coming in a few weeks for his birthday and he wants him to come and we all come back to Cali to have his birthday party at the biggest chuck E Cheeses in America and after that he is prolly going to end up living with us bc he has been living with his mom for the past few months. But once he comes down here he will be living with us along with Jae and I'm excited bc I know they will get along great. They will be the best of friends." Bee said sounding hopeful.

August's pov
I took jae'Lynn out for kinda a stepdaddy daughter day. I took her to the mall to spoil her. I bought her some clothes, shoes , jewelry and toys. I then took her to the kiddy spa to have a spa day. Then we went out to eat to a Chinese restaurant because just like her mother Jae LOVES Chinese food. After we ate our food we headed back to the hotel. Once we pulled up at the hotel, we went to the room to pack her stuff I just bought her in her suitcase. After we finished that I sat her on the bed and turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for her to watch so that I could take a shower. I got in the bathroom and ran some water. After I made sure it was warm enough , I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower. After I washed up , I got right out and did my hygiene so I can go to the stadium to get ready for the show tonight. After I got dressed I grabbed Jae , her diaper bag, her tablet and headphones , my wallet and room key and we headed to lourdes's and chad's room. Once I got to their room I knocked on the door. After a few seconds Bee came and opened the door. "Hey bae !" I said giving her a kiss. "Hey baby, did y'all have fun?" "Yes we did , didn't we Jae?" I asked looking down at her. She looked up at me and nodded her head. "Okay that's good!" "Yea .. But we need to be headed down to the stadium so we can get ready for the show and do sound checks and everything." "Okay well , y'all lets go! " bee said to Lo and Chad." "Okay here we come!" Lourdes yelled back. Once they were ready we all headed to niq and Christopher's room. We knocked on the door and Chris came to the door a few seconds later. "Hey wassup?" He asked looking at Jae. He stooped down. "Hi cutie . What's your name?" He asked her. She hid behind August and peeked from around his legs. "Jae. Tell him your name." I said. "My name is Jae'Lynn." She said still hiding behind August's legs. "Well my name is Chris. I'm your uncle." He explained to her. "I never met you before uncle Chris." "Well that's because I live in California." "Oh okay." She smiled and went to go give him a hug. "Aye Chris time to head to the stadium." I told him. "Iight. We will meet y'all in the lobby. Niq gotta finish getting herself and I gotta finish getting Nala ready." He said. "iight man." I said giving him dap. Then we all headed down to the lobby.

Zonnique's pov
"Who was at the door babe?" I asked Chris. "It was just August telling us we need to be headed over to the stadium. I told him we would meet him in the lobby. but babe did you know that bahja had a daughter ?" "Yea, she told me a couple of weeks ago." "Why didn't you tell me?" I promised her I wouldn't tell because she knew you would tell August, so she made me keep it a secret." "oh ok". Once we finished getting ready we headed down to the lobby to meet up with everyone else. Then we all headed to the stadium. Once we got to the stadium. Me , bee and Lo worked on our songs in my dressing room. After about 15 minutes of rehearsing the song we started on choreography to the song. After about 2 hours of choreography it was our turn for sound check. We went through the song and choreography about 5 times then it was Chris's turn for sound check. After he got done we all went out to eat at Chili's. We talked and ate until 4 o'clock. We left and headed back to the stadium for wardrobe. Once we finished we headed back to the hotel to take showers and do our hygiene. Once we finished it was 6:30. We headed back to the stadium and got dressed and ready to the concert. I am so nervous.
The LONG overdue chapter is FINALLY here 😊😘
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Alexxis_Lynn (Victoria)

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