Chapter 33

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Lourdes pov
(3 weeks later)

I am very angry at Bahja right now. I can't believe she took that sorry cheating ass nigga back. That's just stupid in my opinion but if she wants to continue to get hurt by that dog ass nigga Im not going to stand in her way. But I know when he does end up hurting her ass again she better not call my fucking phone because Imma just hang up in her face. Everybody thinks I'm so wrong for what I say but that's just how I fucking feel. I'm just going to keep my distance from both of them until I feel comfortable being around them again. I am at home right now with Jae'Lynn. My mom is at work right now so I'm watching her until she gets off. "Jae do you wanna go to the store with auntie Lo?" " yes ma'am." She said cheesing at me. "Okay well go put your shoes on so we can go." "Okay!" She said running off to go find her some shoes. I go downstairs and get us some water and a bag of chips and put them in my purse just in case. Jae came downstairs. "I'm ready auntie." "I see you are. Let's go." She ran to the door and I followed behind her. I opened the door and let her out. "Mommyyyyy!!!" She yelled as Bahja picked her up. "Fuck" I said in my head. I don't feel like dealing with her. " Jae are you still going with auntie or are you staying with mommy?" "Can I mommy?" She asked looking at Bee. "Yes you can." Bahja said kissing her cheek and setting her down. She ran to the car. "Well we have to go. You can go in there and wait for mom. She should be home in a few." I said walked to the car.bahja sighed and went in the house and closed the door. I go get in the car. Me and Jae buckle sour seatbelt and I start the car and back out the driveway and head to Walmart.
Once we get to Walmart. I get out the car and take Jae out and we go in the store and I put her in the buggy and began shopping.
Once we got done shopping, we went to Pizza Hut and met up with Chad, then we went home and Bahja was still there. I really don't want to fucking talk to her so I put the groceries and stuff up and try to hurry up and walk up the stairs to my room. But she called me. "What." I said turning around. "Can we please talk." " I have nothing to say. " "yes you do. And you know it. I just really need to talk to you to see why you hate me so much all of a sudden." " well, it's not that I hate you. I hate the choice you made. He almost made you kill yourself. And you go right back to him with no questions asked. I don't know maybe I'm just overprotective of you but that was a dumbass move bee. He is going to do it again because he didn't even have to try to win you back its just he ducks ups and you forgive him. It shouldn't be that simple. He has to learn from his mistakes. But hey that's just me." " okay where is all of this coming from because you were his best friend a few days before it happened. I don't see anything wrong with forgiving someone that I love and taking them back. Does that make me a bad person? No. So I don't know why you are down my fucking throat about the decisions I MAKE. I AM GROWN ASF. I don't need you trying to protect me Lourdes although I very much appreciate it. i love you to death and I will do any and everything for you. You are my world and can't stand you being mad at me. I just really do love him and I want to give him another try. And if he fucks up again I will cut his dick off and shove it down his and that bitches throat. You already know I don't fucking play that shit. I really can tell he loves and that he was genuine with his apology and he stayed in the hospital with me the whole year with his career that shit wasn't even possible but he took a risk with his career and he stayed. And that's why I am taking him back also. He risked his fucking career for me Lourdes. And no man or nigga I EVER dated has done that for me now that alone should show you he cares. But I do know you so I know you will need some time to figure everything out. And when you do call me so all three of us can talk. I love you and tell mom I will be by tomorrow night to get Jae." She gave me a hug and a kiss and she walked to the steps and called Jae so she can say goodbye. I walked her to the door and gave her one last hug and kiss and watched her walk to her car and get in and pull off. I closed the door as she pulled off. I called Chad.
Lo'Baby👑😈💞= Lourdes
C'Daddy 😋😍💞= Chad
*Phone Convo *
C'Daddy 😋😍💞: Hello
Lo'Baby👑😈💞: Hey baby. Were you sleep?
C'Daddy 😋😍💞: I was falling asleep but wassup
Lo'Baby👑😈💞:well me and bee talked today
C'Daddy 😋😍💞: oh Forreal? How did that go.
Lo'Baby👑😈💞: it actually went better than I imagined. Ig I just have to learn to let her make her own decisions and stop getting mad when she makes a decision that I don't think is right for her.
C'Daddy 😋😍💞: yea because she is grown enough to make her own mistakes and she can figure it out her self she is a big girl. I promise you she will be okay and you know you will be the very first person she calls if she need you there for her. So dont worry about it.
Lo'Baby👑😈💞: I know. I just get so scared sometimes. But thanks baby for being here for me. I really appreciate it
C'Daddy 😋😍💞: no problem baby you know I will be here for you no matter what. I love you and I want you to get you some sleep.
Lo'Baby👑😈💞: Ik you will. I love you too and okay daddy. Good night.
C'Daddy 😋😍💞: good night.

Once we got off the phone I went to sleep. I am so happy I have Chad in my life he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love him to pieces.

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Alexxis_Lynn (Victoria)

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