Chapter 31

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Lourdes pov

I can't believe August would do something like that. It really hurts my heart to see my sister in the hospital. I really hope she gets better. When she gets out of the hospital he is not going to have any contact with her unless I say so. I go into my sisters room to check on her. "Bee I really need you to get better. It's not going to be the same without you. Jae needs you. I need you. The whole family needs you. Jay is not going to grow up not knowing her mom. I can't stand seeing you like this. Once you get out you're coming home with us. You and Jay. I just really need you to get better. And fight this. You're much stronger than this." I say crying. I sit in there for few more minutes. Then I go back out in the lobby of the hospital. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He looked up at me. "I am not leaving this hospital without her." "She's not going home you know that right." "Yes she is. I love her." I scoffed. "Some love you have for her. You left her with your child all night and didn't call her and on top of that you you cheated on her." "It was a mistake." "Right it's always a fucking mistake with Y'all fuck niggas. Just get the hell out of here August."I said pointing towards the door. "I'm not fucking leaving you can forget that." He said sitting back in his chair. I rolled my eyes and walked away. This is beginning to be too much already. I don't know how much I can take. I have never been so upset with August. I really not even mad about the cheating. But it's that he almost got my sister to kill herself over his dumb ass actions.
I go into the room that Bahja is in. I walk up to her and I grabbed her hand and just cried. "Bahja I need you. I need you to wake up for me and for your daughter and the family. We all need you to wake up. We want to see that beautiful smile again. I need someone to talk to. I can't take this pain. I need you to come back to us please Bahja please." I said sitting down in the chair next to her bed and just broke down crying. I can't stand to see my sister like this. It broke my heart. She is EVERYTHING to me. I can't imagine life without her. As I sat there crying I Felt some hands wrap around my neck. I look up and it was August. "Lourdes I am REALLY sorry. I wasn't thinking when I did that. I really do love Bahja." "August I forgive you. But I don't know If Bahja will. She loves you August with EVERYTHING in her but idk if she loves you that much to stay with you if you cheated on her. She has to make that decision when she wakes up." "Okay. I understand. I will be out in the lobby if you need me." He said walking out with his head down. Once he left out Chad came in and told me to stand up. Once I stood up he gave me the best hug he has ever given me. I just cried and cried on him. He let go and I looked up at him and we just stared at each other. He gave me a kiss and I deepened it. And he gave me another hug before he sat down in my seat and I sat in his lap and laid my head down on him. We didn't say anything we just sat there. I started crying silently. He hugged me and said "it's going to be alright babe" "how do we know Chad." "We don't we just hope for the best" he said kissing my forehead and squeezing me. " after that I fell asleep.
Once I woke up I seen Chad was gone and I was on the couch that turn into a bed in her room. I looked at my phone and it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I get up and look at Bahja. I still can't believe this. I'm going to go to the house later and get mom and give her a full update on Bee. I've been giving bits and pieces of what's going on but not the whole complete story. While I was deep on my thoughts Chad came back in the room. "Hey You're up. How do you feel?" "How do you think I feel Chad? My sister is laid up in the fucking hospital and I can't do a damn thing to help her." I said as tears rolled down my face. "Okay look baby. I know you're upset but I need you to not take your frustration out on me. I'm only here to help you and be a support system for you. Not to hurt you." "Look I know baby and I'm sorry I'm just really stressed out right now." "It's all going to be ok. Just think positive." "I'm trying but it's so hard. " "I know but you got to baby." He said kissing me and giving me a hug. I just sat there and cried on his chest.
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Alexxis_Lynn (Victoria)

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