Chapter 30

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Augusts pov

I can't believe I was even stupid enough to cheat on Bahja. She is literally the best thing that has ever happen to me. She loves King like her own and I couldn't be anymore grateful for that. I am really hurt by what she said. I know what she had been through in the past and I still decided to hurt her and cheat on her. That was the worst mistake I EVER made. I can't lose her. By the time I got back to the house she was already in the bathroom. Bahja Shamoni Rodrgiuez open the damn door NOW!" " go away August I fucking hate you. I told you about my past and you still cheat on me. Fuck you. Go back to that bitch. " "Bahja I'm not fucking playing with you. Open the damn door or I will knock it down." She didn't answer me. I stopped beating on the door. After I go downstairs to find something to open the door with I heard a big thud so I grabbed a knife And bust in the bathroom. "Bahja baby wake up!!" I screamed as I found her on the bath room floor passed out. I immediately took my phone out and called 911.
Once they came they did cpr on her. One of the paramedics took me to the side and asked me what happened. "Sir do you know the young lady. " "yes she is my girlfriend. " "do you know what happened. " "yes, me and her broke up today because she found out I cheated on her. So she broke up with me and when she got back home she grabbed a knife and the locked herself in the bathroom and overdosed on pills and cut her wrist. " "does she have a history of that. " "I'm not sure. Let me call her family and ask"  "okay. I will give you a few minutes. " "thank you. " I said pulling out my phone and calling Lo. "What do you want mr. I disappear at all times  of the night and don't let anybody know. " "I deserve that. " "yes you did. " "but listen does bee have a history of attempted suicide?" "Yes why? What happened." "Long story. But just meet me at the hospital. Let the kids stay with your mom and let her know what's going on.ill tell you what happened when we get to the hospital."  "Okay. " I hung up the phone and went back over to the paramedic I was talking to. "Hey said she has a history. " "ok well we need to gather to the hospital asap." "What's going to happen to her." "We will have to see when we get to the hospital" "okay I will follow y'all" they lifted her up on a gurney and put her in the back of the ambulance and drove off. I followed behind them in my Range Rover. I took off behind the ambulance.
Once we got to the hospital I rushed in with them and tried to go in the back with them. But some damn nurses stopped me. "Sir you can not go back there." One of the nurses said. "What the fuck you mean I can't go back?" "Sir she needs to get stable once that happens I will have a doctor come out and talk to you ." She said. I nodded. So she walked off. "August what happened to my sister. " Lourdes said as she walked over towards me. "Okay. Before I tell you any thing you have to promise not to get mad. " "I can't promise that. " she said shaking her head. "Okay. Fair enough. Well so I cheated on Bahja. And it......." Before I could say anything else she slapped the Fuck outta me. "August now I know DAMN WELL she told you about her past. She is not the kind to hide that shit in her relationship because she doesn't want you to think its no reason for her to act like how she acts. But for you to sit there and cheat on my sister isn't cool. And you dead ass wrong for that shit. I can't even believe you would do that considering the fact you told me how y'all were in similar situations with the cheating and shit. So that's foul asf. Why would you even do that?" "Because.... I don't know man. I just did." He said standing up and pacing back and forth. "It really is complicated. " "well please uncomplicate it for me then. " she said standing up with me. "I don't know man." "Right of course you don't know. She really loves with you August more than I seen with her past relationships. Like she is IN love with you. All her other relationships were horrible in my eyes that's why I was rooting for y'all go together. But now I don't even know. Because you fucked it up for her and for me because I love you like a brother and I considered you one too. But after that shit you pulled today I don't know you have to gain my trust back. And hers too but more so mine because if I can convince her you have changed then you are in the clear until y'all meet up. But I don't know for realtor wold have to see for your self but for right now you are going to have to give her some time to focus on Jae and her self and she will considering the fact that this has happened before and we want to make sure she is alright. We don't need her killing herself. So for right now once she gets out she will be moving back into her own house and will not have any contact with you until I know my sister is ok. You can contact me to check on her but do NOT contact her please. You NEED to be coming up with a plan for her to take you back because she is the worse at forgiving you better hope she loves you enough. She has been through too much and she loves you too much for you to do her like that. She was honest with you from the beginning and you screwed her over. I'm very upset with you August. I love you like a brother but my sister is my main priority. I'm sorry but you need to leave for the night. Go get the kids and take them home. I will stay here with Bee." She said walking away. "Hell naw. I'm staying here too. I'm not leaving her side."  "Okay well call Chad and tell him to get the kids and take them back to his house and watch them for the night so my mom can have a break." "Ok thank you" "mhmm. I'm only doing this for my sister."
Once she said that the doctor came out. "Family of Bahja Rodriguez." We walked up to him. "Ok so. I'm dr. Ramos. I am Bahja's Doctor during her visit. I have gotten Bahja stable. But she is in a coma. She lost a lot of blood. I'm sorry. But she should be out of her coma soon if not we may have to look at other options." "What tf you mean other options. Ain't no other options she gone continue to stay in this damn hospital until she wakes up. Tf you mean." "Aug. calm down " Lo tried to get me to calm down but I wasn't having that shit. "Man HELL NAWL. " I said walking off and punching a hole in the wall on my way outside. I went out to smoke.
I couldn't believe this shit. Bahja may not wake up and I'm the cause of it. I got in my car and lit my pre-rolled blunt. I inhaled it. Exhaled and broke down crying. I just can't believe this shit. It's unbelievable.

Picture Of dr Ramos in mm
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Alexxis_Lynn (Victoria)

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