Chapter 11

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Louise's Pov

Me and Luke are in his room, he was playing fifa while I was sorting my hair and make-up out. My phone goes off, Luke passes me my phone, it's from Ashton.

Yo, Lou. My family are having a BBQ tomorrow, would you like to come?

Hey, Ash. Yeah that will be great. Just let me know when and where and I'll be there.

Excellent, it's at mine and it starts at 2pm. You can come earlier if you want.

Yeah, sure. I'm totally up for that can't wait.

Good. Well see you tomorrow.

Yeah, see you.

Oh, can you ask Luke if he would like to come?

Yeah sure, and he said he's up for it too.

Great, right I have to go and help get everything for tomorrow. Bye.

*end of messages*

Luke's Pov

Louise just told me that we are invited to Ashton's house for a BBQ tomorrow. It will be a fun day, but I think Calum's going to be there, so I worried about what will happened when Louise sees him.

Me: Do you want to stay round tonight? As no ones going to be home tonight and I would love some company.
Louise: Yeah, sure. I got to pop back to mine though as need to get some stuff.
Me: Okay, I'll come with you.

We head to Louise's house, so she can get stuff she will need for tonight and tomorrow. After about half and hour she got everything she needed and we headed back to mine.

We gor back to mine, and we had something to eat, watched some TV, and talked a little.

Louise: I'm tired, I'm going to go and get some sleep.
Me: Yeah, me too. You can have my bed tonight.
Louise: Thanks Lukey *kisses me on the cheek*. Goodnight, see you in the morning. Love ya
Luke: Night, love you too.

After she went upstairs, I layed down on the sofa. All I could think about was Louise. Her smile, her laugh, everything about her. Then I just closed my eyes and fall asleep.

Louise's Pov

I went to Luke's room and layed on his bed. I could smell him on the covers, I just turn around and face the sealing. And I started smiling and then close my eyes trying to sleep and all I can think about was Luke. After a while I fell asleep.

*Few hours later*

I woke up screaming. I had a really horrible dream. I don't even want to talk about it. It was the worse nightmare I've ever had. I heard Luke run up the stairs and ran into the room and came towards me.

Luke: Are you okay? What's happened? I heard you screaming.
Me: I had a really horrible nightmare. *started crying* Sorry for waking you up.
Luke: I'm here, don't worry. I'll stay with you in here tonight.

Luke got into the bed and I cuddled up to him. I love his hugs. He kisses my forehead and say to get some sleep. So I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep, while cuddling up to Luke.

Luke's Pov

I cuddle up to Louise while she sleeps. She looks so cute when she's sleeping. I wish I could cuddle up to her like this. I just want to enjoy this moment for a bit before going to sleep myself.

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