Chapter 20

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Louise's Pov

I was sitting in the hospital room with Luke. My phone goes off it's whatsapp.

Hey we are home now, we're all staying at Michael's tonight xx

Hey and good to hear that use got to Michael's safe xx

Lou, it's Michael. Are you okay?

Yeah I'm fine just worried about Luke.

Yeah same with us, I don't think any of us are going to end up getting any sleep tonight, and Danni is really worried about you.

Pass the phone to her please.

Sure, talk to you later.
Hey, it's Danni again. What's up? Xx

Michael just told me that your worried, don't worry I'll be fine xx

I'm trying girl, just knowing that your in hospital with Luke makes me want to be here with you so your not on your own. Your my best friend, and the same Luke xx

I'll be fine, even though Luke isn't awake his still here with me. I know its hard trying to not worry, but we have to stay strong. Promise me that yoy will do that xx

I'll try, I can't promise though xx

And another thing, you and the boys need to get some sleep tonight. So please get some sleep, if you don't I'll be having words with yoy okay? Xx

Fine, I told the boys and we are going to try and sleep xx

Okay good, so night and I'll see you tomorrow xx
*end of messages*

After me and Danni finished talking I put my phone back into my pocket.

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