Chapter 19

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Louise's Pov

So me and Danni are on our way to Michael's, I'm happy that I'm going to see the boys. I hope me and Luke can talk, because I really don't want to lose him.

We get to Michael's and he opens the door. He hugs and snogs Danni.

Me: Errr... Get a room, you to love birds.
Michael: We will be later.
Me: I really didn't want to know Michael. *we all start laughing*

So we are all sitting in Michael's room, me and Luke was playing fifa while Michael and Danni are on his bed snogging. Me and Luke pause the game and go downstairs to get a drink.

Luke: So.... How are you?
Me: I'm fine, you?
Luke: I'm okay, so how you and him?
Me: We are okay. Why don't you like him?
Luke: I have my reasons that I can't tell you.
Me: Why not?
Luke: Because I don't want to hurt you. You need to ask him what's going on.
Me: Luke please tell me.
Luke: You want me to tell you fine I will, his a married man and has 2 kids and the reason he never stays with you or talks to you when his out is becsuse his still with his wife.
Me: What?!?! Your lying. If he was married then he would have a wedding ring on.
Luke: Ffs Louise, I've never lied to you and I couldn't never lie to you. Tomorrow you come with me somewhere and I'll prove to you that I'm not lying.

Why is Luke saying this? His suppose to be my mate.

Louise: Okay, I'll go with you then.

Luke has never lied to me before, but is he lying about this?

Luke's Pov

After Louise not believing me about her cheating so-called partner, so the only way I can prove to her the truth about him, is so her.

There's a knock on the door, I went and opened it, it was Louise so I let her in.

Louise: Hi Luke.
Me: Hey, you ready for me to show you that I'm not lying?
Louise: Okay, let's go.

So I take her to this apartment. And to door 35, and knock on it. A woman answered.

Sarah: Hey Luke, come in.
Me: Hey Sarah, and thanks. Come on Lou.
Louise: I'm coming.
Sarah: I'm sorry about the mess, kids have been playing around.
Me: That's okay, we know what kids are like, don't we? *looking at me*
Louise: Yeah, by the way you have a lovely house.
Sarah: Why thank you.
Me: Oh, sorry. Sarah this is Louise and Louise this is Sarah.
Sarah: It's nice to meet you Louise.
Louise: You too.
Sarah: So what did you need to talk to me about Luke.
Me: Well its about j.....

As soon as I was about to tell Sarah about Jack, guess who walks in?

Jack: Hey wifey, I'm home. *walking into the room we was in*
Sarah: Hey babe, you know Luke and this young lady is called Louise.
Jack: Oh, erm.... Hi.
Louise: *stood up* Hold on, you have a wife?
Sarah: What's going on?
Jack: *looked at Sarah* Nothing babe, *looked at Louise and whispers* come with me so we can talk.
Louise: No I won't go anywhere with you, you tell me right here, right now.
Sarah: Jack what is she going on about?
Louise: Go on, tell her.
Sarah: Tell me what?
Jack: Nothing.
Me: Ffs Jack, they was going to find out soona or later. Just tell your wife.
Sarah: Luke, what's going on?
Me: Fine if you won't tell her, I will. His cheating on you with Louise, he lied to Louise saying that his single and everything. She thought I was lying to her when I told her but now she knows the truth, and now so do you.
Sarah: Why Jack?
Jack: Babe, I can explain.
Sarah: No, I want you out now and I was a divorce as well.
Jack: Babe, ple....
Sarah: Just get your stuff and go.
Louise: *hugged me* I'm sorry for not believing you, I should of listened to you. Please forgive me.
Me: Oh course I will.
Louise: And Sarah, I'm so sorry for what happened. If I knew he was married I wouldn't of gone nowhere near him, I'm not that sort of person.
Sarah: It's not your fault, you didn't know. *hugs Louise* You don't need to apologise, we deserve betrer than that arsehole.

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