Cheaper 12

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Louise's Pov

I wake up to find arms around me. I turn around to find Luke sleeping next to me. I try to get up and not wake Luke up. Then all of a sudden I get pulled back down.

Luke: Where you going?
Me: I was going to get up and have a shower and get dressed.
Luke: Let's just lay back down for a little bit longer and then we can get up.
Me: Fine, 10 more minutes and then I'm getting up.

So 10 minutes later Luke fell back to sleep and I just got up and went into the the bathroom and had a quick shower. After the shower I get I get dressed in the bathroom and done my hair and make-up.

I went downstairs to find Luke in the kitchen.

Me: What you making? *walking towards the kitchen*
Luke: Take a seat, breakfast is almost ready.
Me: Okay *taking a sit on the sofa*

Luke came into the living room with 2 plates of food. We ate our breakfast and watch Tv. I see Luke looking at me now and then but I didn't say anything.

After breakfast Luke went to take a shower and I went to the kitchen to wash up. Half way through washing up I feel arms go around my waist, it was Luke. I turn around and I see Luke with only a towel around him. Luke was walking to the stairs when he nearly got there, the towel fell down and I saw him nude from behind. I know I couldn't see his face but I can tell that he was blushing, I started giggling when it happened. He picked up the towel and put it back around him and headed upstairs. I thought to myself 'Oh my god! He has a fit bum'

Luke's Pov

After my little incident, I got dressed and done my hair.

I walk downstairs so embarrassed. I saw her looking in the mirror re-doing her hair and make-up.

Louise: Hey, you okay?
Me: Me? Yeah...I'm...fine
Louise: Good *starts giggling*

I love how she giggles. I know that she's still laughing about what happened. So after she done her hair and make-up, I walked right up to her and picked her up. She started screaming and kicking saying 'PUT ME DOWN LUCAS!!' I started laughing saying 'Na sorry'. So she decides to mess my hair up, so I have to put her down and sort it out.

After I sorted my hair out, I started running around the house after her. When I caught her we ended up falling on the sofa and me landing on top of her. We looked at each other in the eyes, something was telling me that I should kiss her, but I was too late.

Louise: Oh, crap. Look at the time we are going to be late.

So we get what we needed and left. We decided to walk as its not that far. We was talking and laughing down the road. Next thing I know we come up to a bush, she pushes me into the bushes and then runs off laughing. I run after her, when I finally catch up to her she tells me that Michael texted her about a party later tonight.

We finally at Ashton's place, and everyone is here, including Calum...

Louise's Pov

So after mucking about with Luke down the road, we get to Ashton's place. Ash opened the door and greeted us in. Loads of people are here its so awesome. I decided to go get a drink for me and Luke and Luke goes into the garden, when I get into the kitchen thats when I saw Calum. He must have seen me because he waved at me but I didn't wave back.

I go into the garden to find Luke, when I find him I give him his drink, and then Michael came up to us.

Michael: Hey, guys.
Luke: Hey, bro.
Me: Excuse me, there is a girl here you know, I'm not a guy. *we started laughing*
Michael: Sorry. Hey, guy and girl.
Me: Good boy and hey.

Me, Luke and Michael was talking for ages about the party tonight.

Luke: It's going to be a great night, can't wait.
Me: Me either.
Ashton: Hey, guys and girl. See I didn't forget this time, Lou...
Me: Good boy. *starts laughing*
Ashton: Yeah lol. Anyway food is ready so help yourself. *walks away*

So we all go get something to eat and then sit in the garden on the green green grass. I looked up and saw Calum walking towards us.

Calum: Hey guys. *looks at me* Hey Louise.
The guys: Hey, bro.
Me: Hi.
Calum: Do you mind if I sit with use? *all of them look at me*
Me: Yeah, sure. No problem.
Calum: Thanks.

It has been awkward between me and Calum, but that's his own fault for what he did to me.

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