Chapter 4: Is this Your Dress?

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Just days ago I was living the single life when I found out that my parents have arranged for me to get married to this Alice girl, who I have never seen in my life. To top it all off, the wedding is in three months on New Year's Eve. How the fuck am I going to do this? Alice seems like a nice girl but she is not my type. She is far too young for me, probably hasn't been out without her parents by her side. She is probably one of those little goody two shoes that always made her parents be proud of her. When she and I made the deal at my parents' house it is like we can do this. Oh well who knows we both can hook up here and there and we are in the mood. All I can say is that living together is going to be very interesting. Having to confess to Marcus and Ryan it had them in total shock but I am not able to tell them why and how this is all coming together. They have seen girls go through as frequently as I changed my underwear. They of course didn't believe me at all. And they also didn't believe anything that was coming out of my mouth because I haven't been in a relationship for maybe more than six months. And just to add more fuel to the fire they have seen with other women the day before I told them the news. So right now they don't believe any word that is coming out of my mouth. They are going to have to wait and see and witness when I say my I Do's maybe they will believe me then. They obviously don't know who Alice is.

These next couple of months are going to go going by so quickly. I, of course, thought of ways to sleep with other non potential women who dream of being my wife one day.


I was so happy today was Monday. In just three days so much has happened. I arrived at the office early. All I can think of is the date December 31. It keeps on repeating in my head. That is New Year's Eve! Thank god I have work that keeps my mind off of this situation. As I arrived at the office first person as usual, it was 6:45 a.m sharp. Unlocking the back door I turn on all the light to each of the rooms. I wandered my way into the break room and turned on the coffee makers. Mmm, the office has started to have the lingering smell of coffee. It is a little before 7 a.m no one comes in till 7:30. I opened the blinds to the back door and opened it. Dad poked his head into the office and walked back to his car and grabbed rolls of blue print paper. Back in the break room I serve one plain black coffee for dad and one vanilla flavored coffee for me. 

"Good morning Dad," I hand him his coffee

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"Good morning Dad," I hand him his coffee.

"Good morning sweetheart...Thank you I am going to need this very much today maybe two. I have the meeting with a big client in the early afternoon."

"Is it the Julie project you are talking about?" I walk with him into his drawing office where the magic begins. Ian so amazed what my Dad does and others in the office when they are brainstorming the blue prints.

"Yes it is." He nods.

"Oh okay I already have the boards made that Mom has left me to fix for you to show."

"Thank you Alice. You are a lifesaver." 

This is a really big deal this construction project is worth $3.5 million dollars. It is going to come out great I've seen my Dad go insane making multiple blue prints to get it right.

We said "I DO" (Arranged Marriage)Where stories live. Discover now