Chapter 29: I Over-listened

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Enjoy! :)


I was currently outside of Adam's apparent fishing out his key out of my bag. He texted me earlier that he was at work and will be here shortly. Today all of the big furniture was going to arrive and the fun stuff began. Everything that I have imagined on the vision boards was going to come to life once all the furniture was arranged in the apartment.

The apartment was empty and silent. There was still the scent of fresh paint that was freshly done just days ago. The hard hardwood floors were finished yesterday morning. I walked in and set my purse on a chair next to the front door. I opened the window curtain shedding some light in here. His apartment has a perfect view overseeing the city. The sun hit perfectly in every corner of the apartment . The deep red bricks brighten up making the area look golden brown. I could imagine how this view would be like when the sun was at dawn or at sunset. But nothing could beat the view I saw everyday when the sun was setting and rising by the lake.

 But nothing could beat the view I saw everyday when the sun was setting and rising by the lake

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Shortly after I opened all of the curtains from upstairs the doorbell rang. I walked downstairs greeting the furniture guys and directed them to each room and where I wanted the furniture. There were about six guys in bright orange shirts going back and forth setting each furniture piece to the rightful area. So far everything that I have imagined was going to plan.

My phone began to ring, James's name flashed on the screen. I waited a second or two before I picked up the call.

"Hey." I answered.

"Hey. I am about to leave the house but I cannot find my airplane ticket." He sounded panicky rummaging through paper and doors being shut hard. I swear this man was something clueless.

"James slow down, listen to me. Can you please take a deep breath." I wanted for him to stop what he was doing.

"Alice, I don't have time for this." He barked.

"Do you want your ticket or not?" I barked back. My blood started to bubble.

"Okay I'm still. Where is my ticket?"

"Can you please take a deep breath and exhale," I instructed. "Again please,inhale and exhale." I listen to him closely and he exhales. "Now that you have calmed. Listen to me closely. "


"I put it on your black coat, the one that is on top of your suitcase. Check the inside pocket, right now." I waited. I can hear him moving around the house in a rush running downstairs into the living room."

"Okay. I found it. Thanks for packing everything."

"You're welcome. Have a safe trip. Remember to put that coat on. New York is still cold." I warned him. I did not want to put up with when he was sick. I know how guys could act when they are sick. They liked big babies, needing to be cared for all day every day.

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