1- Don't pity me

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Please remember, I wrote this book after watching Fairy Tail and from what I gathered, I tried to make a fan fiction. I do not own Fairy Tail.

Normal POV.
Lucy walked calmly to Fairy Tail, These past few months team Natsu has forgotten about the celestial wizard and somehow, Lucy has gotten stronger and is now an S class mage, without much of them knowing of course. Being alone allowed her to gather her thoughts and think about her future, and boy did she think.

Lucy's POV.
The most "shocking" thing happened today. Natsu came to my seat and kicked me off of team Natsu, he said that I was too weak. I agreed with him of course, who would want a weakling such as a me (note sarcasm). All my friends- what was left of them I should say, nodded and smirked, Laxus in particular. Laxus and I actually formed a tight bond, the guild seemed pretty surprised that we could be that close. I guess it was our blood, but they didn't need to know that.

I went to master's office and quit the guild, gramps was sad but didnt pressure me into staying. He asked if I would come back, why I didn't tell him I knew he was my grandfather and so on and so forth. The same applied for Laxus, he looked like if he was going to cry, which honestly broke me a little. My heart swelled when I realised I wasn't alone after all. It was a good feeling and for that moment, I was happy.

Natsu's pov.
I kicked Lucy out of team Natsu and she agreed, she agreed! She did it infront of the whole guild too, sure embarrassed me. When I snapped out of my embarassed and shocked state I found her telling the others how she became an S mage and about her magic and why she didn't tell them about it. I challenged her right after she was done of course, she scoffed at me but accepted.

Lucy's pov.
Natsu wanted a challenge, I knew it was coming sooner or later but the whole guild also wanted to join, I gladly accepted of course.

Before we even reached outside I felt the presence of the twin dragon slayers, very good timing my friends. Natsu tried to be slick.

"Ladies first"

'That smirk will vansish like your ego when I'm done' I thought.

"Then you should go first"

My grin grew wider and the guild wooped for awhile and after a few more comments, the real fight started.

Fire dragons roar!!

They were all getting prepared to attack so I decided to finish this quickly. I opened four magic circles and used the sleeping spell that Mystogan showed me. He uses this when he enters Fairy Tail, they all slumped to the ground and as a last favour, I teleported them back into the guild and walked to the twin dragon slayers. I could sense their discomfort and slowed down my steps upon reaching the bush they were crouched under.

Sting and Rouge's POV.

*In their mind*



Lucy's pov.
I closed their mouths, stuffing their souls back into their bodies and asked if I can join their guild, they physically wagged their little dragon tails and grinned with sparking eyes.

I guess this is the start of my new chapter.

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