4- First job

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Normal POV.

They made their way to their employer for this job and got a more detailed explanation, the plan was to ambush the dark guild that same night. With that in mind, they all headed to the dark guild to scout the area, leaving Frosh and Lector in charge of their belongings.

Lucys POV.

We planned to ambush the dark guild in the night and wipe out everyone. After making reservations at the Honey Bone Inn, we just wandered around to kill time. They had really nice souvenirs, I ended up buying a few kitchen supplies from a street vendor.

"Hey guys?"

"Yea Lucy/blondie?"

"Ready to head back?"



Normal POV.

They were currently at the back of the dark guild with Lucy whining about how much noise they were making, there were alot of dead plants that let out sounds of protest whenever they mashed one.

Lucys POV.

They were making alot of unnecessary noise. I thought it was time to proceed with the plan so,

"Lets go"

They stopped, the little time they knew me for, they very well noticed my temper when I got mad, I wasn't a beast about it but I guess that's just me.

I headed for the front door, casually walking through, which they thought was crazy, I told them it would be fine and after catching the attention of most of the wizards they just stared at me like I was a tourist attraction, this is what Sting and Rogue were worried about? It's not so bad.

"I took the time to walk around this dead, dry place and all you can do is stare? What trouble could you possibly bring to the town?"

I opened six magic circles and added pain to the spell, adjusting it a bit. I put them to sleep, toying with them a little while Sting and Rogue just sighed because I "took all the fun", I wasn't to blame, they were watching me fight instead of fighting. They did knock out the fifteen guards around the guild before they could warn the others inside but I guess it wasn't enough.

"Geez blondie you could have left some for me"



I went to their master and kicked him in the face. He stayed silent while his guild got beaten right infront of him, not even raising a finger, was he that confident or was he too shocked to react? I honestly couldn't tell.

"How'd you like that for a change?" I cackled like a unstable person while Sting and Rogue shrinked back in worry somewhere while double thinking their well being at home.

I also didn't hesitate to lecture him (quite violently) for his guild that he was supposed to cherish, defend and protect as a leader, dark guild or not. His attitude did not change.

After 'dealing' with their master and calling the magic council to pick up the remainder of the dark guild, we met with our employer, collected the money, met Frosh and Lector at the inn, said out brief goodnights and retired for the night.

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