21- Second encounter.

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Normal POV.

After such a night, ending up in a different era and such, Lucy decided to roam the village a bit.

Lucy's POV.

I woke up to the sun directly in my face, I guess it was a good thing, instead of laying there wasting time I got up, stretched, yawned, scratched my butt, and did my usual morning routine.

After my bath I dug through the clothes in the closet again, fishing out a dark blue jacket, and a white short pants, I used my spare underwear in my bag & put my used ones to dry.

I threw my bag over my shoulders and tip toed outside, making sure that I don't wake up anyone and after successfully closing the door I sprinted the mile back to the ramen shop.

After catching my breath I pushed aside the drapes and came face to face with the smiling boy I came to know as Naruto and the nice old man that makes the best ramen I have ever tasted. I flashed a grin at the both of them and ordered the miso ramen that Kakashi ordered for me the day before, it satisfied my taste buds and I couldn't help but want more. I guess this is why he eats like a pregnant lady. (No offense to pregnant lady's)

The old man smiled and started making my ramen. I finally answered to Naruto' s good morning and just like that, we started taking about anything and everything, what we did last night, how we slept, what magical  being we believed in, who we crushed on before. I even gave him advice on how to get his Hinesha girl. She sounded like a nice girl.

After we ate, he decided to show me around, realising I had no idea where I was going.

He was a really good company, everyone around him didn't like him from what I gathered though. They called him a monster. I almost smashed a girl's face for that but other than that we enjoyed ourselves.

There was a bright flash of lighting


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