Chapter 33: The thought of you.

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Ravens P.O.V.

He stared while I laughed, and he stared for awhile. Because I was laughing until half his period was over. Once the boys started getting rowdied up he suggested I go talk to the principal about the situation, he excused himself and went back into his classroom. It's not that he left me out there that gets me mad, it's that he locks the door right behind him. A sign that I'm not welcomed in his classroom, nor am I allowed in it. Disbelief is what I was suffering at the moment, I'd find one of the girls, but neither of them knew I was attending today, why would I want to make them acknowledge I'm here if I will just be kicked out again. I quickly walked into the student services and made my way to the principal. A couple people saying I couldn't and wasn't allowed to go back there but neither of them had the balls to stop me. I stormed through the door and when he saw me he was just as surprised as the others. I narrowed my eyes at him and clutched my purse. 

"I showed up for my first period, and my teacher takes me out asking what I'm doing in school, as if this isn't the place of education that I'm required to have, but then he says I'm a drop out.  Owen, would you gladly explain to me why I'm considered  a 'Drop out'?" 

He rubs his forehead and sighs.
"There's only so many days you can miss Raven without us sending you to court, and we tried, but you didn't reply, and then we sent federals to your house, but your neighbors said your parents weren't home due to an unplanned business trip and you probably tagged along with your parents. Which no one believes. The schedules and attendance says your here but all your teachers and staff, know you're not. We can't technically refuse teaching you until your parents sign papers, but right now you're a pending case.
We can either drop you out of school, with your will. Or expel you against it. You've missed tons of work. You're parents agreed that if we had any problems with you that we could send you elsewhere, you're causing more problems than your friends and all the boys here combined. But I'm also glad you came.
Recently, we discovered not only a breech in our system because of your attendance mix up, but on our security cameras, down in the basement, we recognized you and Jake Coleman, before school hours in our school. However there is no audio, and it has been tampered with. But were looking up Camera Number two's footage to see where you went, and what you did. Later we realized that you and the rest of the girls scurried out the basement door during school hours too, we caught that on camera as well. Once we have all the puzzle pieces together, you, your friends and Jake, will be held at the school board, you, probably more serious terms since you went 'missing' after and technically when we get the case figured out, you may not be a student of ours anymore, but as a warning before you get hit with charges, and the stress of it all, there it is. We've been trying to get a hold on your parents, but we can't and we can't release information to just anyone or we would've told someone your parents knew to deliver the message. And we can't do that. Did that all answer your first question?" 

I looked at him, then around his room because if I stared any harder I'd cry at the rush of it all. I sniffled and asked, "What do I have to do?" He chuckled and I felt a pang in my stomach. He laughed at the thought of me trying to fix something he didn't have anything to deal with. I took a seat, whether or not he liked it, I'd be here for awhile. 

He rests his arms on his desk and looks at me. "Tell me everything that happened, and maybe I'll enroll you again, before your parents find out." I'll take that. I'll take my baby having no father over me not able to provide for my baby the way I want to. So I look at him, and I begin.

"I was raped. As soon as you get Cameras two's footage you'll see him... We left when he was done..." He stared at me, and said

 "Tell me more."


How about this guys, you get another update! Isnt this exciting ya dirty lil Virgins? I love you all. I haven't edited this yet so yeahhh. 
So my ex, he blocked me on everything but his facebook, and I deleted all the girls off his page, and blocked some.. Haha, sucks for himmmm . I feel so bad. 


stay strong

I love youuu

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