Chapter 21: After

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Ravens P.O.V.

I got Zabrinas number but after she left, I decided to go to another baby store.  Somewhere where I could look at baby stuff. Cribs, Bottles, Clothes. Everything. While I am on my way to the store, what use to be a 'Babies R Us' is now a 'Spencers'. I frown and walk to the exit. that was it for the mall. I get to my car, start it up and head to the other available 'Babies R Us'. I park on the fifth lot and head inside. Once I am past the registers located in the very front my phone vibrates. A message from a forsaken parent. Dad.

~Hey pumpkin,  yes we were supposed to be home a week ago but we have gotten tied up in work. The buisness in Nebraska isn't doing well.  We have to stay longer, we understand that you don't want to come. But.. You may have to- Were looking at months of work. And we don't want you by yourself thatd be unfair to you. But I guess you have a choice. Stay home for at least a month or come to Nebraska. This is time sensitive Raven if yoh don't answer by tomorrow,  we're sending a ticket and your getting on that plane. ~

My fingers fly so quick on the keyboard,  and you wouldn't believe.

~ Dad, I am fine here. It'd be unfair for me to miss school! I know home school is an option but I can't isolate myself at home, working.
I am fine here,  things are going great, perfect. Thanks Daddy, Btw, the food is getting low, wire some money?~

I hit send and go look at some strollers. I couldn't buy this stuff on my credit card. My dad would see it and get suspicious and next thing ya know. . I'm om a flight to Nebraska. Not my cup of tea.

I check out a brown and black one, Unisex it'd be great but it's not on the list that I've made in my mine today.  I go see the cribs amd fimd a white painted one, and thought it was perfect. I ask an employee if they could put it in my car after I got done purchasing with cash. It came with a baby mobile and a book case. I drive home and text the girls thay I've arrived, cause I know they've neen dying to bother me. I roll the kit of things into the house and struggle to bring it upstairs.

When the girls get to my house I'm in an empty room beside mine. My mom wahted it to be a guest room. But I took matters into my own hands and am decorating it for the guest of honor. My baby.

"What's all this?" Nicole asks.

"For my baby, now help me put this together."

"Raven, don't you think you are going a bit to overboard? Like this may be a false alarm. Whose to even say your pregnant? You haven't even taken the tests."

I look at Jordanna narrowing my eyes. Thats right! I didn't show them the pregnancy tests. I take 3 out my coat pocket and give it to them. Jordanna looks at it until Chelsea steals it.

"That doesn't, mean a thing. It's a home pregnancy test. Those things are as false as punokio.  I mean surem you've had morning sickness, but personally it may be from that foreign restaurant we went to the other day. You're not pregnant.  " Chelsea said with Envy running threw her voice. I frowned at the thought. Even with a short of time I was getting use to the of having a baby inside.

"Listen, if you don't want to help you can go. I understand.  But if you dont statt showing some positive energy you have to get the hell out. " I say seriously.    "Now whose staying?" Abigai raises her hand and skips ahead.  She sits beside me and takes some bolts out the packet. I look at the rest, Jordanna sits and chelsea storms out. Nicole follows, I clear my throat once I know there gone and say thanks.

By eight P.M. the crib is in the center the room and is looking great. we laughed we cried through the process of building. I admire and ask if they want to go paint shopping with me. They nod and we pile into my Toyota. we finally get to the shop and look at some paint and settle for a bright yellow and we grab equipment.  On the way back I tell them he Jake situation. When we get home we set clear plastic on the tiled floors and over the crib. And we so anything else need be.

Comment your name and who you wanna be to guest star in the book or be a temp or permanent character.  Picking a few.

Name: (Ex: Ashley)
Occupation: (Ex: Pregnant friend)
Temp or perm: (ex: Temp)

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