Chapter 22: Change

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Abigails P.o.v.

When we were done painting the babies room, we found ourselves telling eachother things we had never known. This was our third year together and we were still learning new things everyday about each other.

We moved the babies crib to the side watching out for the paint and sat in the middle.

"When I was 2 my dad died, my mom told me he was on a motorcycle and got into a bad accident. And he died on impact,  leaving my two year old self and 4 year old sister and our mom. At age 9 my mom remarried, to my current stepfather. His son was months older then me and his daughter a year but I hated them both.  But my sister kept me strong. Then when I was 14 I was invited to a party.  and well, my mom and me were at a bad state and she assumed.  And so my mom called me and video messaged me  to make sure I was okay, but she didn't think that was enough.  And at the time I had a boyfriend he was 16 like my sister, and I was turning 15 weeks later. And my mom sent them to check on me and on there way.."

I was in tears already. 

"They got into a car accident. And instead of dying on impact.. they suffered.  Me and my sister was so close.  And me and Brandon.  We were inseparable.  Perfect. Unstoppable. And I still wear the promise ring he gave me months before. And when he died,  the found a 'Tiffany and co' box in his pocket.. And somehow it wasnt even smashed. It wasn't touched.. His family thought I should have it since my name was on the ribbon.  To his day, its still untouched,  on my shelf and I am to scared to open it. I was heartbroken that day. I was outside and I could hear the screeching. Some of my friends and me went to see what happened, and as soon I saw the car I ran... But it was to late."

I manage to stop the tears and look at the promise ring brandon gave me. Raven and Jordanna came and hugged me, and we've hugged before but I've never, have felt this close to them.


Chelsea had ran off. I was gonna volunteer to stay but chelsea had other plans.

I run outside to find shes gone, I check all sides of the house and think thres no way for her to be gone. But really there was, the girl was practically a track star. Shed been running from problems half her life. I get into my car and head to her house, carefully eyeing the sidewalks. waiting to have to pull over, and greet her. When I make it there, i see her parents but not her. I curse and wonder while sitting silently in the drive way.

*15 minutes later*

I'd waited a while for her to come. But she never appeared. I worried and texted her:

Hey, you okay? Meet me at BWW.

I glance at her purse hoping she didn't leave her phone in my car. Then start the engine and ride to Buffalo Wild Wings. Her favorite.

♡At Buffalo wild wings♡

I wait in a booth, watch the playing sports and every once in a while glance at the doors. She hadn't shown up, but really did I expect her too?

I glance at the entrance and see reed walk in. 'Ugh, great. A player to harass me' I think aloud. He scans the room as the waitress casually unhooks 2 top buttons as he looks away. He catches my eye and tells the waitress something that makes her stare at me with... what is that? Envy?  Then he starts walking towards me. I swallow a lump in my throat and look pass him as if I never saw him.

When he reaches my table he slides into the seat in front od me and stares.

"What do you want? " I say, not taking my eyes off the door. Yes, Raven and Jake are both out of the games but the players are still uneven and I'm still the challenge.

"You," He replies with a smirk. And  i suddenly feel the urge to slap it off his face. I turn towards him and say an apologetic;

"Sorry, but no. never. " It was simple and stern.

"Why are you here by yourself anyway? " Like he cared.

"Cause I can. "

"Plus, chelsea is supposed to be meeting up with me..." I try and sound independent.

I look at my phone.

Reed's eyebrows arch.

"The one that's walking the opposite way from here, in the middle of the road?" I look up from scanning my twitter page and narrow my eyes.

"What road? Why didn't you pick her up you jerk?!" I ask.

"I did,  and I don't know what road! Why would I remember useless information, I'm suprised I remembered you and her. " He added, while putting his arms up to surrender.

"If you asked her why isnt she here?" I asked him impulsively.

He answers me after looking at me like I was some wild, rare spieces. I cross my arms as if I'm smart.

"Um, has it crossed your mind, I'm trying to take her virginity?" I drop my arms and get up, defeated.  I start walking towards the door when I realize I'm gonna need, Reed to show me where she is. so I go back, grab him by his collar and lead him outside. He purrs and tells me how he likes when I'm in control. I get into my car , sit him in the back and put the child lock on, in both doors. It was easy for him to get out but its the thought that counts. I get into my side and ask him where he last saw her. He points toward a street as we roll by, And I remember who lives there. Naomee.


Hey guys sorry this is late..  I wanted to give you something. Thanks for being patient.



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