Chapter 10: Starbucks

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  • Dedicated to Aunt Bessie

Nicole's P.O.V.

After walking away from the other girls, we went up to the counter and put in our orders. We found a table across the room, far away from our arch enemies.

"What am I going to do?" Raven thought aloud. It wasn't a question for us but we still shrugged. 

I sipped the tea the barista had brought and finally something came to mind. Everyone talked and mumbled about it until I made myself believe I wasn't crazy for what I had to say.

          "Well, we really can't do anything. We're stuck in this game. By law we can back out, by society, we can't. Either way, I want to win. " I looked over to Abigail. She was obviously in another world, cause she wasn't paying any attention to our rants. 

          "Abby, what's up?" She sighed. "I don't know, I just wanted to save my virginity for someone I love, but then I see how determined and manipulative these boys can be in taking our virginity, and then I'm like 'I may not have a chance' I mean think about it... What if there's no rules to this stupid game? Then the boys find it okay to do whatever they want to us? Rape is out of the question ultimately, but everyone who goes to that school is smart. Super complex in their philosophy that it just won't be fair. And it sucks to know my step brother is in the games and has no problem with it! He's the one that put this thing on my neck! And I guess it just, annoys and disgusts me. I'm afraid I'll never accept it. Then I'll hold a grudge my whole life. Plus, I have other things to deal with. To top it all off we don't even know half the boy's in the games. So technically strangers are fighting for our virginity. None of this is okay!" She says, trying not to raise her voice. I just nod and try and put a sympathetic smile on my face. I remove it as I think about how no one wants my pity, not even me.

          Jordanna reaches over the table holding Abigail's hand. Then she turns to me. " You brought up stalling?" I sigh. I'm highly surprised she remembered my sentence over Abby's paragraph I barely did.

"I mean, I don't want to keep rejecting it for so long that were in college doing this stuff. The boys OBVIOUSLY are competing to be our first. I went over to a boy's house to ask for flour and the necklace tased me. Tased me! It honestly wasn't necessary. It's like the GPS thingy knows exactly where I'm going and who's there. I couldn't even reach the porch before I realized that it wasn't worth it, and I ran back home and had my mom go over. It's high tech! It goes crazy when a boy that isn't familiar, is around." Thankfully the cafe was filled with woman.

Everyone was probably stuck in their house last night, and wasn't exposed to the opposite sex much so they didn't know this. 

"This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought, I wish I would have waited to get my necklace before basically, desperately begging for it..." Jordanna mumbled. The cafe was so quiet, I'm sure everyone heard it. Raven talking on all our behalfs


And Jordanna did. 

But it made no sense.



You guys are lucky i love you. Cause the chapter erased on its last sentence and didnt save anything. But i retyped it. I remember the same thing happening for my other story and i haven't went back to it since. But anyways, enjoy and cherish cause i was gonna do another chapter but i am exhausted. So i dont even know. And i told you guys that im sorry about this chapter but you have to admit its better then the last two.. Maybe.

And when i made this chapter i was in michigan for a funeral.

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Re-authors note. 

Edited 10/24/15  - Guys remember this is teen fiction AND  fantasy. I'm sure there is no way a compact gps system in a necklace could read gender hormones anytime soon. But maybe in the year 3000. So keep in mind, this may all be overwhelming to and for you. It gets better and more reasonable.

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