Chapter 35: The fall

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Raven's P.O.V

He was staring at me, I could turn away and still feel him burning a hole into the back of my skull. It made me so uncomfortable that I barely realized the flutter in my stomach. Still staring at him I smiled, it was my baby. I notice Jake starting to walk towards me with narrowed eyes, for the first time since the incident, I look into his eyes without a fear in the world, and I'm okay.

"Do you know what you just did?" I scoffed, glad he was paying for his consequences. I shrug thinking I've already won this debate by tearing him down. He glances at my belly and back up. I smirk. This is all i needed. Him to know what he did wrong, and suffer.

Jake's P.O.V.

Truth be told Raven isn't shit, she'd have to be the most gullible of them all, which made her a perfect target. Getting high really has you think about the logic and principles of it all. Raven wouldn't say she was raped to anyone other than the ones who saw it. So i'll let her think she fucked it all up for me so that she'll maybe leave me alone.

They guide me into the office where I'm alone to explain myself but there isn't anything i can say that may save my ass. So i keep quiet. If this is anything involving the law, I want an attorney. Just so I can't make it worst.

They practically beg me for answers. It's pathetic. They call in my mother who is as busy as always, and can't attend. They try for someone else but just get a busy signal, i watch them try, over and over. Using numbers i don't even remember who they belong too. Trying to find someone for some reason. So i ask for the phone, I type in my attorneys number to get him here, and next the pizza palace. Because we'd be here for awhile.

Raven's P.O.V.

I walk away after he does. Past everyone, basically screwing the rest of the day, knowing this will be harder than I thought. Getting into my car without question from anybody I get tons of texts from the girls. Describing everything in complete detail, in victory, I press send. Happy... proud of myself. I got him. He was to late to fix anything anyway. Food trucks were screaming my name, so i went to get some. People stared and It was so uncomfortable that I left the food I had paid for. Being human, it shouldn't be this hard.
I drive home singing along to the track on my Spotify Playlist and I head inside still jamming.

Mail is on the floor, half from my school that was about attendance that I never read. I don't exactly remember bringing those in and I'm almost certain I didn't but there isn't another way it could've made it's way in. I dump everything onto the couch saying aloud "Fuck school, fuck Jake. Fuck society, shit ... fuck everyone. " I didn't mean it all but, the Jake part, I hit the nail right on, about how i felt about him. I run upstairs singing, walking to the mirror. I close my eyes, humming. I bend over my hair going over my head and I focus on putting it in the perfect high bun, I was famous for it. My tummy was rumbling and i rubbed it. When I stand up straight, open my eyes, and look at the mirror, my mom is standing there, behind me, looking at me.

"Oh fuck. "


Dun dun dun

return of the mother

bout damn time

its short , but it's something you know? Vote. Comment. Share guys!!

Love you

stay strong


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