Chapter 29: The plan

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Jordanna's P.O.V.

I got out the car and ignored Abigail’s stupid remark. Sean & I went in looking like we were going to see a movie but had other plans. Sean's brother lived near, that’s why we picked this cinema. His brother Jordan was in Europe doing lord knows what and his house was empty while in walking distance. When we reached our final destination I texted Abigail what time to expect us ‘out’. We’d walk back 20 minutes before just in case she comes earlier and waits. Once we got in, I was pushed onto the couch, Sean smirking at me. The plan was to lose my virginity but keep the necklace on. Sean is going to be my first. Sean gets naked and undresses me because at the moment I’m as stiff as a rock. He removes the necklace until were done, and checks his phone to make sure there wasn’t any overrides.

                I blushed once he looked at me. I was completely nude. But I felt safe for some reason. I get on my knees, then begin to do what I had seen on so many websites, and episodes of erotica.

*1 Hour Later*

                Sean removed the condom and got dressed. I had done the same. The neighbors interrupted twice due to my loudness. Dumb me. I grab the necklace and try and connect it together but the blue broken heart stayed broken and away from each other. I frown. “Why won’t it work?” I ask panicking, hoping it was temporary. “Calm down. It’s okay, ill just text Max okay?” He goes over to a corner I watch him, but he doesn’t do anything. Just stands there slanted towards me. He turns so his back is all the way towards me, I get up, and walk to the wall holding onto the necklace, he continues to do nothing. Not even opening up his messages, he didn’t bother too. My heart breaks. He knew what he was doing, he knew this necklace wasn’t going to connect again. And it hurts me to know. I turn and wipe a tear from falling, I fix my posture. Then walk back to the couch continuing to fiddle with the necklace, he turns and makes a big scene by gasping, cursing. Acting like he was so surprised, but he knew what was coming from the start. He played me. He knew what was coming too though. He had taken the first legal virginity. But he wouldn’t get another.

                But how was I supposed to tell Abby? She had specifically told me to come back with it in tack, and on. I get up and walk out the door, tears have yet to pour down my face. Somehow, I’m still walking with my head up high. Like the sex was actually good. I walk to the theater, and sit on the bench. Sean on his way, we were late because I see Abigail’s car only a minute away, but him meeting me on this seat, would only take seconds. She wouldn’t see a thing, she wouldn’t suspect a virginity to have been taken.

                My mind wonders, what am I going to say? Was I going to let her ask or tell her straight up? When she finally did reach us, she pulled the car up. Sean sat in the front and I parked my ass in the back. Hoping it’d be long before she noticed. But you could taste the tension in the air. And I bet you could smell the sex radiating off of us two.
“How was the movie?” She asked me, Sean kept staring out the windows, I did the same. But he acted like he wasn’t guilty when I knew I was. She turns around to look at me, once we hit a red light, turning around back facing the street seconds before the light changed green, the next light it was Sean’s turn. I could’ve sworn she tried to catch every red light in her way.

                Everything was to run smoothly. But Sean bailed and ask to go home after receiving a ‘text’ from his brother that he just landed. When we dropped him off Abigail demands me to get in the front seat. I already knew that she had figured it out. Her body language implied it. In my hand I was still clutching the necklace which probably should be in Sean’s possession now. But it was the last thing I had left of my virginity. Basically.  The sex hurt, and the Oral {Cum} tasted wrong. It didn’t seem like the type of cum that the girls in the movies would beg for. My body and soul was asking for me to never do it again. “Where’s your necklace?” She asked, eyes on the road. Tone very sturdy, almost mother-like. I open my hand and she glances at it. Hand tightening on the steering wheel. Her knuckles turning a pale white. And when she lets go, they turn a tomato red.

                “How could you be so stupid? You would always say how you were going to win the games and you’d stay pure, well that didn’t get any higher than the ceiling!” I bite my tongue. Thinking through what I wanted to say, not wanting to go overboard. “Someone was going to take my virginity anyway, I thought I wanted it to be Sean…” But now I’m wishing it was someone else. I rather have Jake. She screams her reply “Jordanna! Nobody was going to take your virginity if you didn’t want them to! Why couldn’t you just wait? You could have still been each other’s first. All he had to do was not have sex, and all you had to do was keep your legs closed and your clothes on-“

                “Look! I know my choices were stupid. But what can I do? Nothing? I can’t relock it, I can’t ask for my virginity back all, I can do is regret. And that’s all I will do, I’m not fighting with you or the others on this. Understand?”

                And for the first time in a while. Abigail was speechless, when told to be.


I am probably the biggest lier ever! i am so sorry for the inactivity i have been meaning to update. This week is hard, i have to take care of my best friend, and things, everything is crazy! Plus out of the blue i got a request to make a cover for a story (You can send in requets, i made my book cover though)  so yeah! Thats what im dealing with, merry late christmas i hope you guys got what you wanted, comment what you got if you want! I got a date tomorrow too so wish me luck!

Stay Strong


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