Chapter 34: Regret

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Raven's P.O.V. 

Eventually me talking about what happened, bored me. I was already over it. Months of practice and self therapy, had prepared me for all of this. I was able to tell this story without a flinch, over and over. As an exercise, i would look into the mirror and tell myself in complete detail, exactly what happened, over, and over. I soon could say it almost scripted and i learned to get over it, it was in the past, yes, i will forever have someone that will remind me of him, but it wouldn't phase me. 

       He looked everywhere but at me and I kinda had a smug smirk because I know what he had thought of me. He thought i was just hooking up with him for the fun of it, maybe he even thought we were all having sex. It's just his look that gave me the feeling he thought it was sexual, i know he did.  He gave me a look that wreaked of sympathy i almost gagged, "You got your information, my turn of the deal. " He nodded a yes and typed something into his computer, i got up to watch. 

If he didn't i'd still be enrolled, my parents don't know and to do anything with me, they have to be aware and the nerds are well... nerds. It'd happen, but it'd be more efficient and legal if he did it. He changed my enrollment sheet to saved and went to Jake's file and marked him pending. Since i had confirmation i decided to get out as soon as i could, he would want to know more, and I'm not willing to give that. His stutters of an unfinished sentence wrung through my ears as i bolted out of the door. Nicole and Reed on the opposite side. 

Beyond them, talking to the assistant principal... Jake. 


So I'm kinda bummed. I was placed in the top thousand for teen fiction and I don't know what happened but I lost it... If you're on a laptop can you check for me? That'd be great! And if it's not there... I don't know what to do. I can always say once I was in the top thousand. But I lost it so quick idk... Any of you all know something about how to get back on the list? Inbox or comment... Either way this is short but it's something. I love you all. 

Please please please vote.. if you vote all my chapters I'll notice you and dedicate an authors not and/or a chapter to you. But if you comment on all of them with feedback, I'll let you be in the story ;) Start now! 

Thanks love you 

Stay strong


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