Chapter 14: Options

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         "We have a couple of things to go through . The boys will meet here as well. But I suggest you pick quickly and wisely so that they have no say." Zachary the 2nd tallest had explained to us.

         "Wait, why are they coming in the first place?" Jordanna asked. Raven nodded, agreeing to the question. "Well, reasons are because the virginity games officially start today. Yesterday was the preparations still, but today,tomorrow and from now on they have to try and steal your virginity. I'll lay down the rules in a few, and it's all of your jobs to follow them. You'll have to sign some stuff. But when that's done you guys can leave. And right now we're deciding what gadget you all want." It made more sense now. And for some reason I feel relieved. Probably because there were rules, but mostly because I know were gonna win.





       " Alright, unfortunately you'll still have to wear those necklaces but we have controlled the part that ran through your necklaces and caused you pain, every time there was a male. These are our best work. Your heart has rhinestones that are actually the things that sense the males. Scientifically, and by memory. That's all under control now. You have three options to choose from. A smart camera that would be disguised . And everytime it runs across a naked male, it sends pictures to the players and they'd confirm whether or not for you to be tazed or just a short vibration. You can have your own privacy by clicking certain buttons, on this remote. You can put it on your key chain, lanyard, wherever. Just keep it it near you and don't let it get lost. For instance if your taking a shower you press the keypad and type in shower press how long you think you may be in there, and press lock. When you hit lock your rhinestones will substitute.  Why would it need to substitute? Because you can say your doing one thing and doing another. So lock your door so your brothers friends can't intrude, and you getting punished for it.
         These cameras will automatically take photos of your male siblings but not their friends. So stay away from them when you or them are naked. Unfortunately, you can't cover up the camera because you do not know where its located. And if you did, you'd still get buzzed. Now those were honestly the perks.
         The bad about this, and all of them is that the players have access to override. We have access too, but we can't view any footage without your permission. That's also one of the contracts. You can view if your being overrided. It will simply send a free text to your phone and on your remote the screen will read 'Overrided' You can stop doing anything private and the players will see nothing. When your changing they can see nothing. They can't see anything unless what I've already said had happened. Everything else will remain the same and if the boys were to hack the system you could file a charge on them with the police. Any questions? " Zachary finally stopped. Ravens hand shot up and the floor was hers.

"Are these things waterproof? How about when I go to the pool?"

"Yes these are waterproof. You should be fine at pools and beaches."

We all nodded. Thankfully I wouldn't need to take any more baths. I sighed. It was silent. And then Abigail disturbed the peace. "There are GPS's correct? Who can track us?"

"Yes, but instead of being visible they will be hidden inside the closed purse now. Only us. The players have no right, and we just wanna know where our technology is going." We all turned when the door opened and the players followed in.


Hi i rushed on this chapter sooo sorry, and if they're misspelling please look over it like that.

Its been forever and  im happy im back!

Bye guys love you.

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Edited. 10/24/15

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