10: Overprotectiveness

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Thea felt the twins' eyes bore into her neck and she felt the anger even when she was at the other side of the hallway. They were probably imagining all the ways they could tear Thea's head from her body. Love causes jealousy and anger after all.

"It's gonna take a while before they forget that," Heather whispered quietly and smiled.


Thea could feel the temptation of sleep calling for her as she tried her best to keep her eyes open and focus on the words coming out of the professor's mouth, luckily the bell rang and startled her wide awake. She collected her books before making her way outside.

"Oops," a big and muscular jock whispered dangerously after he had bumped into her shoulder purposely hard before walking away. Great... now every single rich snob kid loathes me, Thea thought to herself.

"Hey sleepy," a warm hand was placed at the small of Thea's back and she could feel the warmth from it spreading across her body.

"Hey, random guy whose hand is on my back," Thea greeted Ethan as Ethan started to walk next to her in a chipper mood.

"Yes! A new nickname!" he enthuisastically joked, removing his hand which left Thea feeling cold again.

"How many do you have so far?" Thea asked, half-seriously.

"Two nicknames," he answered and chuckled. "Eth and Random Guy Whose Hand Is On My Back," he answered with the sweetest smile that made Thea melt on the inside.

"Eth," Thea played around with the name on her tongue. "No. It doesn't have the same ring to it as Ethan does," she shook her head as she turned to head for her dorm with her backpack dragging her down, full of books and homework.

"Oh, so my name has a ring to it, Ethan dragged the 'oh' out and he grinned teasingly.

"Stop being so full of yourself," Thea lightly elbowed him.

"Well, would you like to exchange organs, muscles and all that stuff then?" Ethan joked as he noticed her heavy backpack. "Want help with that?"

"No, I'm good," Thea declined with a smile and kept on walking. "And that's a terribly dry joke."

"I insist," Ethan tried to take the backpack of Thea's shoulders, but Thea resisted.

"I insist on carrying my own backpack," Thea seriously argued back.

"If you like me, then let me carry it," he said and Thea froze, but her heart was pounding so fast that she was sure he could hear it. In a friendly way or the other way? Why does it matter?! You like him both as a friend and you're clearly attracted to him! Voices in Thea's head screamed as Ethan took her backpack of her shoulders and started to walk again, without her. He looked like a God.

"Ethan! Hi!" a girl bumped Thea away as they were walking down the hallway to Thea's dorm and embraced a shocked and confused Ethan. "How are you? It's been so long!" The girl leaned forward with a pout, Ethan quickly dodged her and walked back to Thea.

"I've been great!" Ethan answered with a restrained voice and fake smile.

"Same!" The girl squealed with a high-pitched voice and walked forward. Ethan quickly put his arm around Thea's shoulder which made her tense up and heat up instantly. Ethan pulled Thea closer as the girl walked closer to them. "So, how have you been? You know, since we split apart?" the girl seperated the two of them forcefully and started to trap Ethan between her and the wall.

"We never dated," Ethan looked terrified and confused. Thea could only stand there and watch since her body suddenly had become paralyzed.

"I know. I didn't mean dating, I meant a few weeks ago when we hung out and then we both left in different directions," the girl beamed and flipped her hair. Ethan quickly took the chance to flee and walked over to Thea quickly, putting his arm around Thea again.

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