16: Happy Thanksgiving

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Ethan nudged Thea on the shoulder as a cold breeze occured, sending small goosebumps along Thea's arms. Thea nodded, confirming that Ethan had gotten her attention.

"Do you believe in aliens?" Ethan asked and Thea could hear how he turned his head to her in the grass.

"I certainly do not believe in the aliens that movies potray them as, but I do believe in life in outer space," Thea answered honestly and turned to look at Ethan.

"Why?" he asked, keeping eye contact with Thea as he spoke seriously.

"The universe is endless, the thought of being the only planet with living creatures is depressing and lonely. That also means if this planet ever goes under for some reason, which it probably will, that will be it. We won't be remembered. The universe will just be there, and no one will know what happens after that," Thea looked back up at the stars they were lying under, hoping that she didn't sound absolutely nuts.

"You choose to believe in life in outer space simply because you think it's depressing if we were the only ones?" he asked and Thea could sense him grinning from ear to ear in amusement.

"Oh no, not just that, there is much evidence that stands with that theory," Thea sat up and brushed away grass from her newly-washed cardigan. "Why do you ask that?" Thea asked and looked back at Ethan who was already looking at her.

"Just curious," he shrugged and sat up too.

"What's your opinion on it?" Thea asked curiously and pulled her knees up to her chest.

"I don't believe in any life outside Earth," Ethan answered and smiled towards her.

"What is the point of this?" Thea finally asked the question that had been gnawing her mind ever since Ethan knocked on her door.

"You mean this?" Ethan gestured around them. They were sitting on a hill in in the middle of Central park, looking up at the stars and simply catching up with one another.

"Yes," Thea nodded once.

"I just like being around you," Ethan's words made Thea all warm in the cold and windy New York weather. She couldn't help but smile.

"So you knocked on my dorm at midnight, invited me to go for a stroll, then offering to sit and chat at the top of a hill in Central Park, just because you like being around me?" Thea asked in utter disbelief, still with the same smile.

"You were the one that said yes," Ethan replied and grinned back.

"Your adoptive parents, do they live here in New York?" Thea asked to change conversation suject.

"Yeah, they live in the Hamptons. And I see them as my parents, not adoptive parents. They were the people that raised me and see me as their son... unlike my biological parents," Ethan spoke about the subject so casually which made Thea realize that whatever anger Ethan had had against his biological parents, was as good as gone it seemed.

"And they're friends with Mr. and Mrs. Meyers?" Thea continued to ask, she wasn't sure if she was asking because of Ethan or because of Jackson. It had to be because of Ethan, why would she want to know anything about Jackson unless it had to do with how he was planning to destroy her.

"Correct, quite good friends actually, if not best friends. That explains why Jackson and I sort of got forced to become friends when we were younger. I'm glad that we didn't hate each other and actually became best friends, it would've been awfully awkward for our parents if we didn't," Ethan smiled as he spoke, looking blankly forward as his mind was swimming in happy memories.

"I presume you'll be back in the Hamptons for tomorrow then?" Thea said and leaned slightly on Ethan.

"And you will be flying back to Texas?"

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