52: New Places New People

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Thea held onto the umbrella as if it was the only thing that could save her from this horrible weather as she walked down the canal. Thea noticed the remarkable change in the water level as she braved the weather all the way until her hotel.

"You seem better in pictures, Gothenburg," she whispered quietly to herself and shook her head.

"Welcome back, Ms. Smith," the receptionist greeted her and Thea smiled.

"Thanks for the borrow!" she said and handed the dripping umbrella back.

"There's no need to thank us, we have changed the sheets for you as you wished," the staff member told her and Thea smiled gratefully.

"Thank you!" she called out before she got into the elevator with an old lady.

"Det är ganska dåligt väder idag, tycker du inte det?" the old lady said, but to Thea it was anything but understandable.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak Swedish," Thea excused herself and the lady didn't seem to speak english either so she only furrowed her brows until she left on the fourth floor. Thea continued up on her own and got into her room on the eleventh floor.

Thea sat down on her bed, still in a robe and her hair in a towel turban, and pulled out her camera. She went through all the pictures she had taken, from Italy, England, Thailand, Spain, Peru, China and all the other places on her trip around the world. She had never stayed in one place for more than two weeks, so even Thea herself found it surprising that she had been in Gothenburg, Sweden for almost a month. This place was calming despite being the second biggest city in Sweden. It also had some amaznig architecture. Thea smiled as she went through her memories.

"Cut! We got our scene!" the producer shouted and Jackson instantly took a step back from his co-worker and lover on screen.

"Good job," Jackson complimented her half-heartedly before he walked off set. His personal assistant quickly joined him and gave him a brief run-through of the scenes they were supposed to film later on. He only nodded before he walked into his trailer and slammed the door closed. He sighed and sat down with a bottle of water. He rubbes his eyes and woke himself up by lightly slapping himself in the face multiple times.

"You can do it, it's the last day of filming and then you have a vacation!" he tried to comfort himself. It worked for a few seconds, but he still walked out of his trailer with a faked smile.

Hours later Jackson heard the producer yell the words he had dreamed about hearing since it started. "That's a wrap on the movie!" Jackson smiled with relief, but his smile soon faded when he saw Bella, the actress that plays his lover in the movie, walk towards him.

"They're all grabbing celebratory drinks tonight, do you want to join?" she asked and smiled widely.

"I can't, I have promotion and press conferences to attend," he lied and gave her a stiff hug.

"Well, there are always more opportunities," she said and stared at his lips, the lips she had kissed ten minutes ago in front of the camera.

"Definitely, I have to rush now, but I'll see you around," he said and gave her a small wave before he turned around and left.

"Here you go," his personal assistant Toni said and handed him a water bottle and an Advil.

"Thanks, dude," Jackson said gloomily and popped the pill into his mouth and washed it down with water.

"Just know that there are journalists waiting outside," he said and they stopped in front of Jackson's trailer.

"Please tell me when there aren't," Jackson said and walked in. "I'll be back in ten minutes," he said and closed the door. He switched his suit for a more casual attire, and realized he had a few spare minutes to himself. He sat back down and pulled his phone out, he had multiple texts from his management team, but he ignored them all and immediately called Jamal.

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