47: Bombele

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Thea yawned as she pulled out her earphones from her ears and sat down next to Heather in the middle of the room.

"Rough night?" Heather asked and yawned too. Thea nodded and put her phone and earphones away. "I've had three hours of sleep, and the only thing I see now are numbers and Xs."

"I see squared paper," Thea replied and laid her head down. She closed her eyes for a second and felt the temptation of sleep luring her in, that was until professor Alwahn loudly slammed down the stack of tests on the teacher's desk and Thea jolted upright. Ms. Alwahn seemed to be staring right at her. Thea rubbed her eyes, and forced herself awake.

"Mid-term tests officially start now," she said in a sadistic voice and with a vicious sneer. She enjoyed torturing these poor students, the same way she had been when she was in the position they were currently in. Thea couldn't help but yawn when Ms. Alwahn placed her test in front of her, following Thea's yawn, another five more yawns came from other various students.

"The time starts now!"

During the test Thea yawned multiple times, and nearly fell asleep twice. But she did it, and handed the test in, satisfied with her answers.

"What do you have next?" Heather asked, and looked at her schedule on her phone.

"Computer science," Thea answered and tried to recall every single thing she had learnt about Java and reasoning.

"Yikes, for how long?" she asked, and Thea sighed loudly, and rubbed her eyes.

"Three whole hours with 80 questions," Thea said and stopped by the right classroom. "One entire week of these, I'll tell you what should be illegal, these tests," Thea said, and Heather had a provocative smile on her face.

"My art test is to draw something with depth, shadows and breadth. If you ask me, it's just a fruit bowl," Heather said with a sneer. She was asking to be slapped if you asked Thea for her opinion.

"I'll meet you for dinner," Thea said and prepared herself for a long day of tests and brain-screwing.

"Good luck, future product manager!" Heather said, and giggled as she walked away.

After lunch by herself under a tree with a sandwich and a book in her hand, Thea walked into the room and braced herself for another painful two hours. Thea walked in and saw Hussein's brown afro hair in the midst of the it all. She walked over, and sat down next to him, she peaked on him. He was fast asleep, and almost drooling. Thea chuckled slightly before she quietly pulled out a pen and an eraser.

"Ten minutes left!" Thea suddenly screamed, loud enough to make him sit upright, and fumble around as Thea laughed hysterically. When he realized he had been tricked, he looked at Thea with tears in his eyes. Thea stopped laughing immediately. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, no! It's not you. It's school," he said and wiped a tear. "It's just so tiring and boring," he said, and he sulked.

"See it from the bright side, you graduate this year," Thea said in a vague attempt to cheer him up.

"Yeah, in three months, and in May we have double all of this," he said, and gestured around the room with a whine. "This is just my bachelor degree, I then need to get into law school to study at least for three more years," he said, and put his head down on the desk.

"You can get a joint degree and you'll be out of here within four to four and a half years," Thea said, and lightly patted his shoulder. Hussein groaned and whined, as the professor walked in with a stack of tests. Hussein saw this and Thea saw tears form in his eyes.

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