12: It Got Worse

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"Cheers, to new chances," he raised his glass and so did Thea. The clink of their glasses got  lost in the swarm of other talking voices and soon they began to eat. The food tasted like a million bucks, and Thea savoured every single chew, but something at the back of her throat was tingling. They continued to talk and eat for a few minutes and she even laughed every now and then.

Thea put down her cutlery and looked up at him, he smiled at her, but she was unable to smile back. Thea felt her throat suddenly tighten up and she could feel her airways closing. It felt like everything in the room suddenly crawled closer and Thea tried to stand up and run for the door, out for fresh air, but she was only able to stand up before her legs gave in and Thea fell to the floor. Ethan ran to her side and knelt down to her as people around turnt their heads and started to murmur, the waiters stopped and jogged over to Thea and Ethan on the floor. Thea started to breathe heavily and tried to collect her thoughts. Breathe, breathe, breathe!

"Thea! What's happening!? Are you okay?" Ethan asked with his voice full of panic and put his hands on her shoulders. He sounds oddly distant, Thea thought.

"I-I..." Thea tried to clear her throat, but her voice was hoarse as ever and she couldn't get proper words out. This can't be happening here.

"She's having a freaking allergic reaction!" someone joined them and bent down next to Thea too. Thea looked up and saw... Jackson?! What the heck is he doing here?

"Don't just stand there! Call an ambulance!" Jackson barked at the waiters and the gathered people around them. A few of them fished their phones out and called for an ambulance. Ethan finally came to his senses and grabbed Thea's purse. She soon started to cough horrendously and she could feel her chest tighten even more. Her heart was beating faster than she ever would've of imagines humanly possible as Ethan dug through her purse for something.

"Where's the damn Epinephrine!?" Thea heard Ethan shout, but she was too busy feeling her stomach turn. I'm going to throw up, no, I can't throw up, not here. Not in front of him.

"Thea, Thea, I need you to look at me and tell me where the Epinephrine is. I need you to tell me where you have it," Ethan cupped Thea's face and Thea did her best to try to focus on his face.

"S-secret compar....t-tment." She managed to get out in-between coughs and turning around on the floor, trying not to throw up. He grabbed her purse again and finally found the EpiPen. He got the lid off and the needle always scared Thea, but Ethan without hesitation injected it into Thea's outer thigh, through her dress and soon Thea's body began to relax. Thea could feel her airways slowly open up again. She looked around and felt someone's hands slowly help her up to a sitting position. Thea could hear the distant sound of sirens outside, but before she could see her rescue, her body started to shake and Thea felt how her heart started to beat faster again. She heard her name getting shouted as she closed her eyes and drifted out of consciousness.

The faint sound of a slow and steady beep was the first thing Thea heard as she opened her eyes and looked around. The steril, white and clean walls of the hospital room struck her like a hammer and she closed her eyes to adjust. She opened her eyes again and looked at the people around her.

"Oh, Jesus Christ! You're awake!" Christina beamed and stretched her arms up to the sky.

"Yes, very much awake and alive," Thea whispered back with a sly grin.

"I seriously thought you were dead," Heather suddenly appeared with a smile.

"Ah, Heather, always so honest and kind. Thank you," Thea couldn't help but joke, since she could almost cut through the tensity in the room. She didn't want to deal with it, to deal with the lesson from everyone about taking better care of yourself, and she really did not want to hear the "Reasons Why I Never Should've Let You Move Out on Your Own" speech from her mother that was for sure going to call soon. The loudest of all the relieved sighs coming from everyone, was for sure from Ethan. He was sitting next to Thea's bed with his arms crossed and smile spread across his face as Thea looked over at him.

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