53: Lost to the Demons

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His thoughts were unclear and a mess, but he knew what his needs were. He dropped a hundred dollar bill before he stumbled towards the door, bumping into people and things. The bartender called after him, telling him he forgot his change. But Ethan had other things on his mind as he stumbled out on the street and fished his car keys out of his pocket. The air filled his lungs and his mind seemed to clear up for a moment. He got into his car and started the car before he started to drive home. Was it my fault? Of course it was! Look at how useless I am, no one wants me anymore. Not Thea, not Novelle, not Jackson, not even my birth family! My adoption family is mad because they think I'm unhappy with them, and they think that's why I looked up my birth family. They don't understand. None of them do! They don't understand the feeling of not belonging anywhere!

"They don't understand!" he yelled out and hit the sterring wheel with both hands when he stopped by a red light down the street from the bar. Someone behind him honked as soon as the green light came on, and that only made Ethan more mad. "It turned green a second ago, you idiot!" Ethan rolled down the window  and screamed before he drove away. Is it really my fault? It's theirs, isn't it? I've done nothing but tried to make them all happy! And when I for once do something for myself, I'm suddenly the bad person! They're the wrong ones! Not me! Ethan drove onto the highway with his hands so firmly on the steering wheel that his knuckles turned white. But wasn't I the one that used Thea after Novelle left me? Thea was unknowingly my rebound, and she ended up hurt. At least she had Jackson after that, but what about me? I didn't have anyone when Novelle left me again. Everything started from her! If she hadn't been so evil to lure me away from Thea, just to get her revenge on both Thea and Jackson. I was used, too! So why is everyone blaming me? Ethan's thoughts argued with each other all the way until he turned onto the small straight road that distanced his home from busy New York. Forest life lined the sides and Ethan turned the lights on as the sun had gone down a long time ago and the road was no longer lit up lamp posts and other cars. Or maybe the problem really is me. I was born into the wrong life, wasn't I? Despite all my efforts, I'm still a rain cloud trying to fit in on a sunny day. And there's only one way to undo it all and stop this pain, he thought as he found his hands slowly turning the steering wheel. His thoughts turned darker and more evil the closer the trees he got. They were hungry monsters feeding of his mind. For the last part of it, he abruptly turned the steering wheel and heard the loud crash of the car hitting the tree. He flew forward and his head shattered the glass. His head laid on the steering wheel, pounding with pain, he couldn't move his body though he felt the pain spread across his body. The smell of smoke and iron filled the air as Ethan closed his eyes to the feeling of something dripping down his face. The pain he had felt for months now, a pain greater than the one he felt with blood running down his face, was finally fading, the cloud hanging over his head was going away and the monster in his head was dying. Just like him. It was over. He had lost to demons battling his sanity. He had lost.

A smile was on her face the entire night, and it was still there as she along with all the other guests watched the couple have their first dance as husband and wife. Thea held her camera up and snapped a few pictures with the flash off. She continued like that for the rest of the night, she mingled with the guests, took pictures and laughed along. The best part was hearing everyone talk swedish, Thea couldn't believe that they lived on the same planet after hearing their language.
Thea snapped a few more photos of the groom's parents before she pulled her phone out from her purse to check the time. She saw that she had mutliple missed calls and texts from Heather, and she grew worried. Thea walked out from the big tent that had been set up for the party and called Heather back. She answered almost immediately.

"Thea, you need to get back as soon as possible. Something has happened!" Heather quickly said with a shaking voice.

"Why? What happened? Are you injured?" Thea asked and clutched onto her camera.

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