27: Heather the Feather Sweater

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"Have you bought a dress yet?" Heather asked. Thea could hear the New York traffic in the background.

"No, I'm not sure if I'm going," Thea mumbled as Amelia quietly walked into the room and jumped onto the bed.

"Why?" Heather asked with a sign of alarm in her voice. The background noise had gotten lower and she seemed to be inside a building.

"Because of this stupid thing on my face," Thea muttered angrily and threw her pillow on the wall in frustration. Amelia jumped and hissed loudly at Thea before she jumped and walked out of the room again. "Sorry, Amelia!" Thea called out to her, but not even a meow was heard from Amelia.

"It can't be that bad! Besides, if you for some weird reason feel that it's ugly, there's always make-up," Heather said and tried to cheer her up. A low pling was heard from the background and Thea couldn't help but wonder where she was.

"Yeah, but I suck at make-up. It's a mircale that I don't leave the dorm or the apartment looking like a panda," Thea sighed and kept complaining about her non-existing make-up skills. Heather said nothing to interrupt.

"What did you say? Sorry, I was in an elevator. Actually, don't mind repeating it on the phone. Open the door, we'll take it face to face," Heather said quickly and hung up. Thea was left in confusion until the door bell rang loudly through the apartment. She's actually here?

Thea quickly got up from the bed and jogged down the hall, through the empty and quiet living room before she opened the door and saw Heather standing in all her glory with a smile. She was dressed in complete black today and looked amazing as always. Thea felt a small jab of envy, Heather could rock anything without trouble and her make-up skills had never been questioned.

"Hey, the Chosen One!" she greeted her with a quick hug before she walked past Thea into the apartment. "Amelia!" She called for the cat in a soft angelic voice. Not long after the cat walked around the corner, along the walls before pushing herself against Heather's leg. "I've been looking forward to meeting you, madam. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Heather said and bent down. She grabbed one of Amelia's paws and shook it. Thea could only stare as Amelia seemed to meow something back before she jumped up on one of the shelves and curled into a ball.

"That's a first," Thea finally opened her mouth.

"That's what life's about, doing firsts," Heather stood back up and turned to Thea. Thea clenched her fists as she walked closer and she felt her eyes on her scar. The stitches had been removed and now left was nothing but a pink pale line in her eyebrow.

"That's a cool one! It looks amazing!" Heather suddenly exclaimed and grabbed Thea's face with her hands. "Do you know what amazing things you could do with that? Especially for Halloween!" Heather said and turned Thea's face in all angles. Thea instantly relaxed and her arms dangled on her sides.

"But I'm scared no one else will think like you," Thea mumbled and turned her gaze down.

"Oh, Thea, my dearest best friend, screw them," Heather said and pulled her into a rib-crushing hug.

"What do you think Ethan's gonna say?" Thea asked and pulled away. Heather held her by her shoulders as her eyebrows rose in shock.

"You haven't told him?!" she shouted.

"Of course I have! I just haven't told him that it left a scar," Thea mumbled and remembered the night she got home from the hospital so clearly. Christina had somehow gotten Ethan's number and called him, telling him to call Thea. Thea had no choice but to tell him, she told him everything except for about the scar. How could she? He was an absolute God and she now looked like a demon who was a part of the physical misfits.

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