42: Be Selfish

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Thea panted heavily as the doctor looked scared for his life.

"You know what? Just take this too," Thea said and tore off her necklace from her neck. A necklace she had been wearing around her neck since her childhood, gifted by her mom. "You've already taken away everything else!" she screamed and threw it on him. The necklace bounced off him and fell right onto the floor. Just by watching it fall Thea knew it was broken, and when she saw it break she snapped out of her insanity. She looked around at the mess she created, then at the doctor and lastly at the nurse who gulped when their eyes met. What have I done? She rushed past the nurse out the door, and stopped for a second or two when she saw a familiar face. The janitor looked from Thea into the office and Thea took this chance to run. She ran out of the room and got into an elevator, she quickly pressed the button and waited impatiently for the doors to open up to the garage. When they did she sprinted, knocking into a man's shoulder and Thea heard him curse after her. Thea didn't look back and pulled out the car keys, she got into Jackson's car and locked the doors.

"What did I do? What have I done?" Thea asked herself out loud and banged her head against the steering wheel. "Why? Why? Why?" With a newfound determination created from panic and hopelessness Thea pulled out her phone and dialed Heather's number.

"Hello, Thea Luna Anastasiya Selima Smith," Heather greeted her and Thea closed her eyes. She leaned back as she spoke with a shaking voice.

"Heather, there's something wrong with me," she said and any jokes Heather had planned to say were gone.

"What happened? Where are you? Do you want me to get you?"

"I'm in the hospital garage, and and..." Thea said and her thoughts fogged. She took a deep breath and tried again to explain. "I was in the hospital because they called earlier today, wanting me to sign a few more papers. And when I was done, something snapped inside of me and I became this furious, insane psychopath! I got violent!" she explained and felt her entire head spin, her breaths shortened and suddenly a wave of fear washed over her. "What if they call the police, Heather? What if they sue me?" Thea asked question after question until Heather stopped her to calm her down.

"Thea, calm down. They're not going to sue you, the police is not gonna come for you. They're used to it, it happens all the time," Heather assured Thea with a calming voice, though it wasn't enough to bring Thea down from her storm of emotions.

"But no one throws everything off their desks!" Thea argued and leaned her forehead on her arm on the steering wheel. Thea's body trembled as the tears began to roll forward and a choking feeling occured. "Heather, something's happening to me. I don't know what it is, please help!" Thea said as her breaths began to shorten further, she was hyperventilating as her body was releasing more than it was taking in. 

"Thea, breathe in and out slowly and calmly! Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale!" Heather said in a stressed voice from the other end, but to Thea it sounded she was in a another universe. A pain started in Thea's chest and she lost bodily control. As Heather tried to get Thea to respond through the phone, Thea dropped her phone and pulled her legs up to herself. I'm going mad.

A tap on the window made Thea's head jolt up and she saw Jackson staring down at her. He pointed down towards the lock and Thea reached out to unlock it with a shaking pale and cold hand. The door flew open and Jackson crouched down in front of her.

"Come on, I'll drive you home," he said and offered his hand. Thea put her feet on the sturdy cement and attempted to stand, but the second after her legs gave in. Jackson quickly caught her and held her up. "This won't do," he mumbled to himself before he scooped Thea up with ease and walked around the car. Thea felt cold, though being this near to Jackson warmed her up. She noticed he was dressed in a sweatshirt, sweatpants and his shoelaces weren't even tied. Jackson managed to open the other car door with Thea still in his arms and gently sat her down.

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