39: Roller Coaster with Lots and Lots of Downs

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Thea opened her eyes and stared up at the white ceiling. Her stomach churned and twisted, at first she had no idea why. Then it her. Thea turned to the side and saw Amelia sleeping peacefully on her pillow. Thea touched the bed behind her head, but felt nothing but sheets.

"You pillow-stealing little cat," Thea said and stroked the cat. "You can have the pillow just this time, but it's mine afterwards. Mom would-" Thea stopped herself as she felt the sudden urge to vomit. She kept it down and sat up. She got out of bed and walked to the windows to pull the curtains open, but her foot hit something soft on the floor. With a frown she pulled the curtains open, it brought some light into the room. Thea bent down to the mysterious object and carefully reached out to touch it.

"Oh, there's my pillow. I forgot Ethan had two," she said and felt that vomiting urge again. She once again kept it down and picked the pillow up from the floor and placed it on the bed. She walked to the kitchen and started to brew coffee for the addict in the house, she filled up Amelia's bowls and proceeded to make eggs.

"Why are you up? You have half an hour of sleep left," Jackson startled her and Thea jumped slightly by the stove. "Coffee. You made coffee."

"I had a bad dream, and then I couldn't fall back asleep. I counted sheep, it didn't work," Thea answered and he walked in, rubbing his eyes.

"I'll forgive you for waking me up since you were so kind to make me coffee," he said, sat down and yawned.

"Please forgive my eggs too, I'm no chef like you," Thea said and stirred around in the pan.

"As long as it isn't burnt I'm good," he said and closed his eyes.

Thea put the plate down extra loudly intentionally and Jackson woke up instantly, he looked around confused and scared.

"Don't worry, just dead chicken fetuses haunting you," Thea said and smiled. Jackson got up and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Can you drive me today?" Thea asked and pulled her legs up underneath her and began to eat.

"You're going to school today?" Jackson asked, surprised and turned around with a frown and a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, I don't want to miss anything. Why would I skip it?" Thea asked and decided to toast some bread.

"I just assumed..." Jackson said and trailed off. "Never mind, I'll drive you." People assumed. They assumed because they didn't wanna ask or because one didn't tell them, so they turn to the last option which is to assume. And eventually those assumptions become true in their minds.

"Do you know what they said on the news?" Thea said and grinned on the inside.

"No, I haven't looked on my phone yet," Jackson said and poured another cup of coffee. "What did they say?"

"The president has decided to take in less coffee beans which means less coffee for you, addict," Thea said to test for his reaction.

"I know, that was news from a week ago," Jackson answered and sighed.

"What? No, it wasn't. I was-" Thea began and frowned as she spoke, did she have a magical power?

"-kidding," Jackson finished for Thea and smirked. "I'm not someone you can easily fool," he said, seconds before the bread jumped up from the toaster and Thea was once again startled.

"I hate you!" Thea screamed at the toaster and quickly transferred the toasted bread slices to a plate.

"You're arguing with a toaster, Thea, it isn't gonna reply," Jackson pointed out and sat back down.

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