28: New Year New People

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Thea sat alone and tried to read one of her favorite science fiction books in French, but three years of French in high school proved to be useless in reality. Sometimes it was just too hard to understand.

''Ils se faufilent en silence dans l'autre couloir pour essayer de voir où allait Snape. Il monte au deuxième étage, dit Harry. Tu sens cette odeur ? chuchota Ron,'' Thea read out quietly to herself while she tried to figure out the meaning of all the words. "Why did I promise grandpa to do this?" she moaned. Suddenly her phone went off - it was Ethan calling and Thea began to panic.

"What the heck am I supposed to do?" Thea asked with the phone ringing and vibrating in her hands. "Okay, calm now... You're gonna be fine, be casual," Thea told herself and answered quickly before she could hesitate and overthink it any more.

"That took you long enough, gorgeous," Ethan greeted her as soon as she placed the phone against her ear.

"Eh, hey!" Thea said and tried to sound enthusiastic. She looked out the window in search for something to calm herself with.

"How are you feeling? I just landed and I'm on my way over. You're home, right?"

"What?! No! I mean, yes. I'm home," Thea blurted out as her anxiety only rose higher and higher until she was sure that it was higher than the Empire State Building that was peaking out amongst the clouds outside of her window. She wanted to throw herself out of the window to make it stop.

Ethan chuckled on the other side. "Well, I'll be there in twenty, I love you," Ethan said and hung up before Thea could protest or insist.

"God, I can't even tell the truth to my boyfriend and talk normally and we've been dating for over a year," Thea murmured and threw her phone on her bed. She lied down on her bed with the book on her stomach.

"Last year's New Years party was at Heather's, hosted by Novelle. Ethan had a great time it seemed with her, because she is the definition of perfection. She is beautiful, smart and kind. Perfection!" Thea talked to herself as Amelia walked in with low meows. "Right, Amelia's lunch and then books," Thea mumbled. She was grateful for the distractions.

Thea sat down on the couch with the book in her hand, but she didn't get to read anything before the doorbell rang.

No, no, no! He can't be here already! a voice inside of Thea's head panicked and the owner of that voice was running back and forth in panic. What do you mean no? Jesus Christ Thea! another voice seemed to say. Thea sprinted to the front door and the little brave part of her opened the door quickly.

"Hey, Th..." Ethan trailed off as his eyes widened when he looked up on her.

"I... I know I have a scar and all that, but-" Thea began with a shaking and stuttering voice and her hands clenched to fists by her sides.

"You don't look like you normally do," Ethan interrupted and frowned. He began to back away.

"What do you mean?" she asked and took a step forward which only made him back away more.

Ethan hesitated. "It's great that you're feeling good. I have to go now, I forgot I was going to have lunch with Jamal. I just stopped by to see how you were, and you seem to be great! I'll see you at the party tomorrow," he quickly said and reluctantly took a step forward. He placed a quick kiss on her cheek before he turned around and walked towards the stairs.

"But..." Thea tried to come with any excuse to get him to stay, but her mind was blank. With the numbness blocking her mind from her consciousness she closed the door. She walked back to her room and sat down. The numb filter disappeared. What just happened? Am I really that ugly? But Ethan would never do such things! What's wrong with him? What's wrong with me? I'm the ugly one! Amelia seemed to hear and understand Thea's thoughts, because she jumped up on the bed and made herself comfortable on Thea's lap. Thea pulled her in closer and lied down with her eyes shut. She imagined how catastrophic the party tomorrow would be at the Meyers'.

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