50: Graduation

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"Heather! Get over here! We need a picture!" Danielle Johnson yelled at Heather as David Johnson pushed Novelle towards Thea to get them both in the picture.

"How many pictures do you want?" Heather whined and stuck her tongue out as the flash went off.

"That's as good as it gets," Mrs. Johnson said and sighed because of Heather's grimaces.

"Where's Jamal? He promised to be here!" Heather asked and crossed her arms. She restlessly looked around, and Thea sensed someone behind her. But before she could react, the man jumped onto her back and she shrieked.

"There you are!" Heather exclaimed and looked at Hussein with a relieved smile.

"Hussein you're going to break my back!" Thea said as she struggled to get him off her back. He clung onto her like a koala and with his tall legs and arms around her neck and body. "Where's Molly?" Thea asked and stood further away from him when she had finally managed to get him off. Thea looked around for her old math professor, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"She's inside talking to her colleagues," Hussein said and looked around. "Where's Jackson?"

"I have absolutely no idea and it's worrying me. He isn't answering my calls," Thea said and pulled out her phone to call again, but then saw she had a text from Jackson.

From: Jackson

Thea, something came up, so I'm going to be a bit late. I love you <3

That didn't make Thea feel better, it only increased her worry. Hussein had read the text over her shoulder, and noticed the expression on her face. He put his hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"I'm sure it's nothing, probably just traffic," he said and tried to convince himself too in the process. Though sadly you can't expect people to believe in lies you don't even believe in yourself. Thea started to type a reply.

To: Jackson

Ok, just hurry.

Thea put her phone away and gave them all a smile before they headed inside together. They blended in perfectly with all the other seniors, families and friends. By the time they got in almost everyone had sat down with happy and smiling faces, they were all radiating joy. But Thea sat down anxiously next to Heather in front of the stage with a frown carved into her face.

"Don't worry, he'll be here soon!" Heather said in a cheerful voice and gave Thea a pat on the shoulder. Thea gave her a faked smile as Mrs. Gomez walked on stage. It was the same as the year before, except now Thea was one of the people graduating and not a part of the crowd.

Mrs. Gomez cleared her throat and looked at the students in front of her with a smile. The stadium clapped and cheered, but only seconds later it silenced completely.

"Welcome! I'd like to start by congratulating all of our soon-to-be graduates. You've all been fantastical, and I'm happy that I've had the incredible honor being this university's president for the the four years that you've been here. I won't drag out on it since I know you're all so eager to leave college and start your new lives. Once again, thank you and I wish each and every one of you a bright future!" she said and the stadium applauded like they were supposed to. "Let's begin with the diplomas!"
One by one they got called on stage and shook hands with Ms. Gomez, a few professors, former professor and students. They got called in alphabetical order by their last names which put Thea quite far bag in line, she didn't mind as this gave her time to glance around for Jackson.

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