30: Running away from Responsibilities

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"Thea? Are you sure you don't want to eat?" her mom asked as Thea closed her eyes again.

"Yes, I'm sure. I've already eaten," Thea answered in her calmest voice.

"Okay then, sweetie. I'll save some soup and bread for you in case you feel hungry later. Okay?" Thea  heard how exhausted she sounded, but Thea felt the exact same way so there wasn't much to do.

"Thanks mom," Thea said and turned to lay facing the window. It was still snowing terribly and Thea hoped it would get worse so she could skip school. She pulled the duvet higher up and rolled onto her right side. She looked at the bathroom door where her black dress hung. The memories came flooding back and she quickly pushed them back like she had been doing for over a week now. Her phone let out another buzz. She grabbed it to see who it was this time. The calls and texts mostly came from Heather, some from Jamal, other from people who wanted to meet up for coffee. But there was one text and one voice mail from Jackson, it had been sent and delivered shortly after Thea had ran away. Heather had come by after the party to return Thea's jacket and then asked to come in, but Christina had helped her lie and said that Thea was ill. Christina was currently the only one in the apartment that knew what had happened, except for Amelia of course.

Thea put her phone away and closed her eyes, hoping to fall asleep. That was the great thing about sleep, it made you forget.

"Are you sure you don't want to take the day off and come with us?" Rebecca asked and leaned against the doorframe with a thick knitted scarf around her neck as she pulled her wool coat on.

"I'm sure," Thea said and smiled.

"Alright, we'll make sure to get you all the rest of the French books," Thea's mother kissed her head extra lovingly today and messed Thea's hair up.

"Mom!" Thea exclaimed and the two sisters laughed.

"I love you, sweetie. Have a great day at school," her mother kissed her again with all her motherly love before they both left, along with her grandparents who wanted to visit Times Square. Thea's smile faded and she laid back against the wall. Christina's slippers could be heard walking towards her.

"Want to join me for breakfast?" she asked and appeared by the door.

"I can't exactly starve to death," Thea shrugged and got out of bed. She walked out and Christina put a comforting arm around her as they walked towards the kitchen, or so Thea thought.

"Not the kitchen, I thought we'd be rebellious and eat in the living room while watching TV today," she smiled kindly and led her into the living room where two bowls of porridge lied on the coffee table. As a kid Thea would've loved hearing that, the joy of eating while watching TV! But now she had grown up and life had hit her quite hard in the face with a chair of troubles.

"It looks great, that coffee looks even greater," Thea said when she spotted the two coffee cups.

"Let's eat up so I can drive you to school," she said and sat Thea down on the couch.

"I'm not twelve, you know," Thea pointed out and grabbed the bowl and spoon.

"I know, but we all have our fragile phases in life," Christina smiled, but Thea saw that underneath it, there were bad memories. Christina reached for the remote, but Thea stopped her.

"Can we not watch TV and instead talk?" she asked kindly and Christina nodded before she put the remote back down. She grabbed her own bowl and spoon before she laid back and looked at Thea.

"What would the youngest Smith talk about?" she asked in one of her most courageous smile.

"Where do you work?" Thea asked to get it out of the way.

They Could Care LessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora