22: A Turn of Events

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The music could be heard from outside the house, Thea nervously fiddled with her necklace as they walked up to the front door with linked arms.

"I hope they have litchi here," Heather said hopefully and raised her arm to knock on the door, but before her fist had even touched the door, it swung open and a group of girls and boys stumbled out. Thea quickly pulled Heather and herself out of the way as the group kept laughing, screaming and cheering. They hadn't noticed Thea and Heather.

"-that was the best handstand ever!" one of the guys yelled out.

"Pfft, I've seen better," another one rolled their eyes dramatically, clearly intoxicated. Thea and Heather watched and the group kept arguing and stumbling around having no clue where they were.

"Let's go inside!" Heather said and pulled Thea into the house. The house was packed with people, people that Thea had never seen, but also with people that she regularly saw walking around on campus. It was incredibly hot too. Heather won't be the one ruining my makeup, the heat will melt the makeup off my face, she thought and started to fan herself with her hand. Thea could smell the scent of alcohol, sweat and there was vague scent of smoke too.

"I instantly regret this," Thea said out loud. Heather didn't seem to hear, she would be surprised if Heather did hear her over the loud music.

"Hey you two!" Novelle appeared out of thin air and embraced them both. "I thought you weren't gonna make it!" Thea coud smell some wine in her breath and some smoke on her clothes.

"Did you smoke?" Heather asked with a serious voice, suddenly it seemed like Heather was the older one.

"I swear on Lou's life, I did not smoke," Novelle swore and held up her hand. "It was a bunch of stoners, don't worry, I kicked them out."

"Who's Lou?" Thea screamed over the music.

"Our mini pig!" Heather screamed back.

"So, what do you think of the party? Pretty sweet, huh?" Novelle gestured to the dancing and jumping crowd in the living room.

"It's hot," Thea answered and she meant it literally.

"I know, but I have my Jack so I'll have to pass on all the boys here today," Novelle giggled sweetly.

"My dear sister, Thea means it literally. It feels like an oven in here," Heather said and sighed heavily.

"Oh, right," Novelle mumbled and turned around. "Open some windows!" she shouted so it almost echoed in the house. She hadn't screamed much louder than Thea had, but everyone seemed to have heard Novelle. She had more power and respect here than Thea originally thought.

"Hey! Novelle said open some windows!" a girl somewhere in the living room repeated.

"Open some windows! Orders from Novelle!" a boy's voice echoed from further into the house, it went on like that with four more people until Thea could feel the breeze come blowing in.

"There. Enjoy yourself, I gotta find some friends of mine," Novelle smiled and gave them both a sloppy kiss on the cheek before she left.

"How old is she?" Thea asked curiously, she was still shouting.

"Twenty," Heather answered and pulled Thea into the massive living room with people everywhere you turned.

"The legal drinking age is-"

"Twenty-one. She doesn't drink too much, he doesn't drink and drive and she is fully aware of what she's doing too. But still... I don't want her to drink," Heather said and grabbed two cans of sparkling water from the bar.

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