Super Akwardness

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Hey it's yours truly hope you liek the stuff I'm writing I'm hoping this will be a good long book because I don't limit my self to how much I write each day

Lazercorn/David's POV
I walked into the headquarters earlier then usual because knowing flitz's determination he stayed up all night and was still editing making things perfect. I was going to take over if I had to. So any way i walked in and the first thing I saw was a pile of sleeping bags on the floor. Assuming this would be the comfertablest place to sit other then my desk chair. I had ripped a hole right through the seat because it was super worn out so now I sit on a wooden chair so I picked up my laptop off my desk and went over to sit there. I walked over to the sleeping bags, and then I  heard a faint whistling sound like if you were to blow a whistle in a bunch of pillows. I got closer and closer and the whistling sound got louder and louder. Just thinking it was the vents I plopped down on the beanbags and I heard "David get the fuck off of me" in a super raspy voice. I jumped up in shock and saw Mari getting up out of the bean bags.
Mari's POV
I woke up to pressure on my stomach I moved my face and saw Lazercorn I moved around trying to shove him of me it didn't work so I finnaly said "get the fuck off me" David looked at me with a surprised face "Mari why are you here?" Lazercorn said
I looked around confused "I don't know I woke up and I was here" David looked at me in disbelieve. "Mari are you feeling ok?" Lazercorn said
"I'm fine" then my eye caught sight off sleeping flitz I jogged over to flitz then started shouting "bro wake up why am I here why arn't you waking up!!!!!" Then suddenly he reached out and grabbed my hands and pulled me into his embrace.

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