Lost again

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Flitz POV
I stood up swiftly and slipped out of the door, "Flitz wait!" Courtney screamed out the door,

I ran faster then ever to my car and jumped in, even if she doesn't love me I won't lose her again.

The engine turned over and I sped off my tires sending snow on top of the back of my car,

I drove at a steadily fast pace on the barren road approaching the freeway, first crash, I looked over an ambulance stood over a ditch, I stopped and stared, they pulled up a white car with a man holding on to the seat,

"Not her" I drove off. The roads were surprisingly empty, looks like people listened to the warnings,

I heard the sound of a horn behind me, some one was on my trail, maybe Courtney? I didn't care I wasn't going to let anything distract me, I wouldn't want to get in a crash

The snow grew deeper as I approached a forest, it was dark and incredibly hard to see, the car behind me still following steadily

I heard my phone ring again and again, I kept my eyes on the road and my arms stiffened as I grasped the wheel harder and tore up the streets

I heard sirens and sped towards the commotion,

I felt it in my gut, I didn't know if it was just the nerve wracking feeling of finding Mari or the shot I had this morning

The trees blurred past me and the sirens grew louder I slowed down as I saw the ambulances, and the people in bright clothing through the blizzard

I put my car in park where it wouldn't hurt any one and looked for a simple grey car through the people,

I shoved through two men to get to the front, and there was a black mini van, "what happened?"

I turned to one of the witnesses, "a woman ran into a hill of compacted snow, it destroyed the front of her car and cake crashing down onto her trapping her in the car"

"Is she alright?" I asked genuinely worried,

"From what I heard it's just some bad frost bite, nothing unfixable though" she flipped up her hood and walked back to what I guessed was her car

Courtney's car pulled up behind mine and three people with their jackets on walked up to me

"Is it her?" She asked from behind my back

I shook my head, "not her another lady though she'll be alright" I turned around and smirked,

"I'm gonna continue searching!" I said sternly and walked back to my car

"Flitz please stay, wait till the snow clears at least" I turned around, it was Wes, "I want to find Mari any more then the next guy but I don't want to lose another friend if I have to"

"Stop talking like she's dead!" I shouted, "she's not dead! Even if she is hurt she'll pull through like-like she always does!" I was talking like a child who just lost his dog, sad, feeling alone, and having that one spark in your heart that something would bring the dog back

"We don't know that for sure Flitz!" He was yelling back, I couldn't tell but he sounded like he was crying, "we never know! We could never know! It doesn't matter where she is we would never know. For all I know she could be in fucking Timbuktu! For all I know she could be in heaven" he calmed down and sniffled,

"Your both such kids come on let's go home" Courtney said, I followed behind he giving up on any of the hope I had on finding her and wondering if she'll ever come back,

"There's another one!" I heard a man with a deep tone tell and run into the woods

With out thinking I ran towards him my adrenaline rushing to my legs sending my flying down the Icy road, and into the wood

I saw dirty tire marks as I continued walking slowing my pace so I don't fall, indents on trees that only cars could make,

"There's a woman!" I heard one man shout "get that tree off of her car and get her out of there" another one screamed,

I slowly approached the crash scene, I looked around my vision blurring as they lifted the tree off of her,

My head was dizzy and I just couldn't wrap it around my finger, they pulled Mari out of the car

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