Looking Brighter

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Flitz POV
We sat in Maris room scarfing down Chinese food sitting anxiously waiting for the doctor

The door opened and all of us turned around and looked towards her, she smiled walked in and sat on a stool near a counter with sinks and cabinets,

"How is she" sohinki asked, the doctor smiled "she's a miracle case, she's going to make a full recovery"

I smiled widely, "thank you so much! you guys really took care of her," she shrugged "it's my job, if I were to guess she'll be waking up soon maybe even in the next week or so"

She stood back up and messed with a few wires connected to the bed, "take good care of her and keep talking to her, alright"

"Mmmhm" we nodded,

We talked to Mari for a bit then packed up our snacks and left back to the cabin, all of our cabin videos went up but we had to delay our leave due to them not being able to transfer her to a hospital in LA because of die circumstances

"We should talk about Mari being gone, because of our delayed stay we won't have enough pre recorded videos for the future" Courtney said grabbing the hand held camera,

"It doesn't have to be professional we can do it in a vlog, if we don't address it the fans will get angry" I nodded "yea" she handed me the camera,

Guys gather in the living room please, I shouted across the house, doors opened and soon enough people all shuffled to the living room, "can you guys stand in a group tallest in the back"

Confused and tired they all went into formation, "what's this about?" Shayne asked standing in the middle,

"We have to address Maris disappearance, even if we have prerecorded videos we don't have our computers so we can't film our shows here at the cabin, we'll say we need a break and we'll have to improvise our videos" I said setting up the camera on a stand,

"Alright guys follow my lead," I pressed the record button and backed away standing next to Wes,

I cleared my throat and looked into the camera, "you guys are probably wondering why we're standing like this, and why Mari isn't here"

I sighed "we have to address a few things in this video." We'd put his hand on my shoulder, "we're stranded here. At the cabin due to circumstances, considering we don't have all of our equipment we can't film our usual videos,"

"So we're going to save them until we're able to go back to our homes and to the office. And some of you maybe asking what about Mari? Well she... she's on vacation" hover interrupted me "at the hospital"

Courtney looked back at me, "let me take over," I nodded and she looked back at the camera, "Mari got into a car accident, so she's in a hospital near our location. She's alright but she's in a coma, she is expected to wake up soon if everything goes well, maybe in a few weeks, thank you guys for cooperating and we love you" she blew a kiss to the camera and walked up to turn it off,

"Who wants to edit?" Sohinki raised his hand, "I'll do it, I brought my laptop" she nodded and we all walked away depressed,

"That went alright," Courtney said laughing ironically, "pizza?" I asked grinning, she nodded "that'll make every one feel better for a bit at least"

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