I'm Not Dead

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Mari POV
"Am am I dead" I felt a bed I was on creak and move, "hey Mari," I tried to open my eyes to see who was talking to me, nothing but numb

"I bet it's painfully boring, that's a reason to wake up right?" A female voice said, most likely Courtney

I felt the bed rise and fall as people got up and sat down, the door opened and closed and a lot of shuffling,

I tried my best pushing on my stomach and diaphragm to make a sound, to sit up, nothing but a quiet moan came out of my mouth,

They seemed surprised by this, like I was a corpse and I just came back to life, "looks like your progressing" I heard flitz say,

He put his hand on my cheek, "she'll be awake in no time"

I heard the door creak open, "if you guys don't mind I'd like to talk with her, to see if we can't distinguish how long she'll be under" I heard shuffles and the bed lowered again

"Hello miss Mari Takahashi" an unrecognizable voice said, I moaned softly again, "oh great your responsive, I guess" I heard the scratching of a pen on paper

Every one seemed to have a clip board to write on, I must be so interesting, i thought to myself,

"Now I'm going to be in here every other day to see how long you'll be asleep," she said, "now id like you to try to move some thing simple how about a finger to start with"

I breathed out and tried my hardest to at least move a finger, no luck, "hmmm I see," I heard the scratching again

"Now can you try to make a sound again?" I thought to my self and let out a stressed sound, "you don't have to force your self it'll come naturally" I wanted to roll my eyes

"Now I know our session was incredibly short but I'm going to go tell your friends your result, I'll see you in two days" I breathed heavily into the mask covering my face heating it, and once again the door opened and closed

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