December 5

170 5 8

Thanks for 4K every one I truly never thought that I would get this far, never in a million years and by the way I'm going to be using more POVs to add more depth to the story k bai enjoy
Flitz POV
"Guys I think we should tell Mari about Peter" every one looked at me, "but what if she loses memory?" Sohinki asks, I sighed "it'll put her in a better mental state in the long run, she thinks he doesn't care for her any more"

Mari walked in smiling, "Mari?" I said quietly, she looked at me, I gestures towards a couch where most of us sat, "we have something we need to tell you"

She looked around as she sat down delicately, "Mari it's about Peter" her face brightened "d-do you know where he is?" Wes nodded "he's dead."

She sat in silence, "I'm sorry what?" She asked laughing a bit, I breathed in, this wasn't normal, "Mari he's dead, he died a year ago"

Her face grew red "why are you lying to me!" She screamed, tears streamed down her face, I saw her breath fast and shallow "Mari calm down," I said in a calm voice, she glared at me "no! Don't tell me to calm down you ass holes!"

She sat at her desk chair, time passed, "hey we gotta film Mari craft every one ready?" We all nodded and we turned on our cameras, I looked back at Mari, she was good at hiding her feelings, she looked at the brink of tears

"Buh bye everyone!" Wes said, Mari pulled away from her computer trying to look happy, "let's film a few game bangs" we all silently agreed,

After, zombies pie and lots of lube, the sun started to go down, "I think I'm going home" Mari said grabbing her purse,

I watched as Mari prepared to go, "Mari, can we talk" she looked at me, "I'm not really in the mood to talk,"

"Mari please, it's ok" she glared at me still holding back tears "Flitz I have to go!"

She swiftly walked to the door, I stepped in front of her, "Mari, it's ok to cry" I heard her whimper like a child, she wrapped her arms around my neck pushing her face into my chest,

Every one looked at me strangely, I tilted my head gesturing for every one to come over, lasercorn came over and squeezed her, every one started to come over and hug her, "guys don't kill me" I heard in a muffled voice,

"Hahaha" we all let her go, she laughed wiping a tear away from her eye, the door creaked open and Olivia peaked her head in, "there's dinner in the break room, we ordered pizza"

Mari ran up the door "Mari are you leaving" she flicked her head back around "I'm getting pizza dumbasses" Wes looked down "oh hehe"

We walked to the break room, every one was sitting at a table,

Courtney POV
I sat down with three slices of pepperoni on a paper plate, Matt looked at us "we've been thinking about doing a Christmas bonus video, sorta like a secret Santa" I nodded and pulled out my phone, December fifth,

"yea that'd be great, when are we gonna film?" He shrugged "sometime next week we should have it up on Christmas Eve"

"We also have to plan for Smosh winter games," Mari looked at me "what's that" I looked over at Flitz, "it's something we discussed with the Smosh crew we forgot to tell you guys" I scratched the back of my head in relief and making my act more believable

"Yea where are we going?" Matt looked at his phone, "a cabin up in Utah" I yawned "I should head home" I looked around, "shit can I have the keys I think I forgot my coat"  lasercorn reached into his pocket and tossed his keys to me, "thanks"

I got up off my chair, and walked down the hall into the office, i turned on the lights and looked  around, "ahh there you are" I said, I picked up my jacket and saw something sparkle in the corner of my eye,

I walked over near sohinki's desk, and crawled under, I moved a trash can away and saw a ring, I picked it up and turned it around in my fingers, a little dusty a few scratches, I put it on my ring finger

Too small, I looked at it more thoroughly, I bet it would be perfect for Mari, I thought, does any one in the Smosh games crew wear rings, "sohinki no joven no Mari no lasercorn? Um yea maybe" I nodded

I walked out flicking the lights off and holding the ring in my hand, I caught lasercorn by the elevators, "hey!" He turned around "oh hey Courtney what's up I was on my way home" i caught my breath

I held the ring up "is this yours?" He shook his head and held his right hand up, "nope got mine right here... Can I see it?" I nodded and gave it too him, he held it in his hand gingerly, "yea I don't know"

He thought for a moment, "I thi-" his phone rang "oh hi Mina yea I'm on my way say hi to Tyler for me" he waved still on the phone, "bye" I mouthed, and handed him the keys to the office, I ran to the bathroom, and washed the ring off, it cleaned easily,

"Perfect, I have my gift for Mari" I said to myself, I looked at it a silver ring with six diamonds forming a sort of flower, "to bad it's to small for me, it's really pretty, sorta like a wedding ring"

I laughed "yea right who would be getting married in the Smosh squad?" I put the ring in my pocket, and got into my car,

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