Stranded pt2

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Hey peeps believe it or not this isn't the end I want this book to be long! But I need suggestions so people I follow or my followers msg me or comment on this chapter what i should do after this.

Flitz POV
Mari, Wes, Melanie and Kalel had just suddenly gone missing. We filed a report and the police went looking immediately. After 30 minutes  of us talking to different officers. Ian's phone rang. He picked it up hoping it was the police saying they found Melanie or any of the crew. He picked up the phone
"Ia- are y-u t-e-r it- -ela-ie" a female voice yelled
"Melanie are you there?!" Ian yelled frantically
"-ea I'm -e-e w-i Mari" Melanie said
"Your there with Mari!!" I yelled
"I- h-re f-i-z" I heard Mari shout
Then the static got to loud and we couldn't hear anything.
But seconds later the static stopped and we only heard silence then the sound of a door opening then a voice
"Haha I can't let you starve to death can I? No that would just be cruel!"
Then the sound stopped completely.
I got a call and checked the number. It was Mari's!! I picked up and put it on speaker phone
"Hello is this Flitz?" A lady said

"Yes hello is Mari ok?!!" I yelled into the phone

"Sir please calm down. Do you know Wesley Johnson?" The lady asked

"I do is he ok? Can I talk to him?" I asked

"No he is not able to speak right now he's in emergency care" the lady said calmly

"What!! What happened!" Joven yelled

"He got shot twice. And he was with an unidentified women." The lady said

"Kalel?" Anthony yelled the tiniest bit of hope in his voice.

"Both of them were shot and both have a very slim chance of survival."

Lasercorn POV
Suddenly two officers walked in to the head quarters. I walked over to them and they asked "do you recognize this car?"

"Yes it's- it's Mari's"

"Ok good we inspected it and found a broken window. And blood in the two front seats and back seat."

"Did you find any sign of two young women one with blonde hair and one with black?" I asked

"No. Have you received any phone calls?"

"Oh yes!I forgot we can track them!"
I grabbed Ian's phone and dialed the operator

"Hello can you trace the last call made on this phone?"
"Yes hello it says the call is coming from a abandoned area of the country in a barn up north on 513 October lane"

Mari POV
After awhile Peter walked in
"All right Mari I'm going to make you feel really good." He said as he took off my shirt then attempted to take off my bra. Melanie threw a rock at peters head.
"You bitch your lucky I don't just get rid of you like your two little friends! But I'm planning to do that when your little boyfriend gets here" Peter said laughing like a maniac.
"No no no you can't!" I said tears running down my face
"Did I tell you you could speak tsk tsk tsk" he said as he gagged me.
Then I heard the sounds of sirens.
"Hmm they came earlier then I thought!"
He picked up a liquid in the corner of the room and dumped it on to the floor. He hid in the other corner of the room and sure enough Flitz busted in tears ran down my face and frantically nodded my head back and forth
But he ignored me and cut the chains off with an axe setting me free.
"Flitz behind you!!!" Melanie screamed
Peter was running towards Flitz with a carving knife.
My instincts kicked in and I jumped in front of Flitz and Peter plunged his knife into my chest
Flitz POV
I turned around and saw Peter running at me he ran toward me with the knife I dodged and hit him to the floor. He pulled a lighter out of his pocket and threw it on a liquid on the ground then the floor burst into flames near Mari. Then police bust in. They grabbed Mari and Melanie and placed them into an ambulance.

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